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Who’ll be the next UK CM?

After getting 47 seats in Uttarakhand repeating for the second time, breaking the myth of alternative party governments – ruling the hilly state during the last 22 years, the high command of Bhartiya Janata Party is not able to decide on their new chief minister, especially after its chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami losing his Khatima seat.

Though the names of former UK CM and former union minister Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank, former ministers Dhan Singh Rawat, Satpal Maharaj, Rajya Sabha MP Anil Baluni n union minister Ajay Bhatt are being discussed for this important post but till yet no decision has been arrived at on a consensus candidate with almost all these leaders, CM post claimants and several ministers in the previous government rushing to Delhi to meet the senior party leaders.

It is not only the new CM’s selection issue but several previous ministers are also feeling insecure to lose their minister ships as there seems to be chances of senior lawmakers, elected for third time – being sworn in with old ones, losing their ministerial berths due to their poor performance etc.

However, despite former CM Pushkar Singh Dhami losing from Khatima he is still being seen as a perfect Uttarakhand CM candidate under whose efficient leadership the saffron party has won in the hilly state with a comfortable majority with even prime minister Narendra Modi, union home minister Amit Shah and defence minister Rajnath Singh lauding him as the most capable CM during the election rallies unambiguously saying that the Uttarakhand elections will be fought under his leadership, projecting him as the next CM of Uttarakhand.

During his seven month old rule the young and energetic CM Dhami has not only extensively campaigned for the party candidates leaving his own constituency unattended he had made more than five hundred announcements worth hundreds of crores of rupees etc earning the appreciation of PM and all the Union ministers and CMs of other states including galvanising the party in the state.

It may be recalled that during five years previous rule he was the third CM for only seven months after Trivendra Singh Rawat and Tirath Singh Rawat who could not deliver satisfactorily, this, earning the wrath of the central High command on Covid 19 front, development and other areas of health, employment, women empowerment etc. The two sitting MLAs of Kumaon region have already offered their seats for Pushkar Singh Dhami if made CM.

The other contenders for CMs post though important are not so competent and energetic including with clean n transparent image as is young, energetic and transparent Pushkar Singh Dhami though he is definitely inexperienced compared to other claimants for this post having lost from his own constituency.

However, if the losing factor comes as a bottleneck in the way of Dhami becoming the state’s CM, the name of Dhan Singh Rawat, being a staunch RSS pracharak and close to prime minister Narendra Modi, being a, Rajput as well appears to be on the top say political analysts with Satpal Maharaj despite fully competent not fitting into the BJ’s scheme of things being an old Congressman.

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