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Where was BJP when people were demanding justice for Kiran Negi on Dehradun streets questions Congress ?

The Ankita Bhandari issue which is in the court of law is being used by Congress and BJP to score political points in Uttarakhand.

The Bhartiya Janata Party activists especially the activists of women organisation had organised a protest rally in Dehradun burning Congress effigy denouncing Congress president Karan Mahara and Manish Khanduri who are believed to have in their meetings at Pauri and Kotdwar expressed their deepest discontentment towards people for not taking up the Ankita Bhandari case and siding with the cause including the depressed and oppressed parents of the deceased who was brutally killed after alleged rape in Vanantara resort after she refused to oblige a VIP, still a mystery.

The alleged culprit of this heinous crime is the son of a former BJP leader who had held the status of a state ministerial rank in Uttarakhand including his brother, who were thereafter expelled from the party.

The saffron party government has to confront tremendous opposition from the common people as well as the main opposition party Congress of the state.

The former chief minister of Uttarakhand Harish Rawat, state Congress chief Karan Mahara, Congress leader Manish Khanduri etc sat on number of within protests ( dharna) and participated in protests demanding stringent punishment to the culprits thus giving justice to the relentless struggling poor family at Dehradun and in Pauri Garhwal district.

There have been complaints by the traumatic parents of late Ankita Bhandari regarding abuses being hurled at them in the court premises and subsequent harrasment by the culprits and their cohorts.

Apart from this, the parents of the deceased girl had also complained against the government counsel for weakening their case allegedly siding with the culprits.

The Congress chief Karan Mahara and Manish Khanduri in Pauri and Kotdwar public meetings have after taking note of these harrasment to the traumatised family’s of Ankita Bhandari had spoken in hard language urging local people to stand up in their support including blaming them for not doing so till date cohesively.

They expressed their annoyance for this noble cause blaming the people which the BJP used as a ploy blaming Congress leaders of using anti Garhwali or anti people stance, forgetting that the heinous crime was committed by Pulkit Arya and his friends who’s father and brother were state ministers in BJP government of Uttarakhand and committed party men.

The BJP finding itself in a defensive position is now trying to become offensive on baseless grounds burning effigies of Congress, the party which is on the forefront to demand justice for Late Ankita Bhandari say Congress leaders.

The Congress party had taken out a protest in Pauri Garhwal district under its five day campaign to demand justice for Ankita Bhandari in the month of July and has held several mobilisation meetings in various parts of district Pauri Garhwal including at Pauri and Kotdwar urging people to come out of their houses and demand justice for late Ankita Bhandari who was brutally killed after allegedly obnoxiously being raped at Vanantara resort and finally throwing her body in the Chila canal Rishikesh recovered after few days.

The spokesperson of Uttarakhand Congress Mrs Garima Dasauni has while castigating BJP women wing burning the effigy of Congress at Dehradun asked where were these leaders and activists when people of Garhwal were demanding justice for Kiran Negi ? Being women leaders and women activists was it not their moral duty and responsibility to stand in favour of their brutally allegedly raped and bludgeoned sister or daughter Ankita Bhandari?

Kindly recall that a journalist cum activist Asutosh Negi highlighted this disappearence of Ankita Bhandari and apprehending about her safety and security.

The Patwari of Revenue police Post of Yamkeshwar didn’t lodged the FIR being under the influence of the culprits finally compelled to lodge it.

After few days of being inactive, the patwari deliberately went on leave.

However, the social media pressure and matter highlighted in print and electronics media finally led to the startling disclosure of the entire case finally police taking out Ankita’s dead body from Chila canal resulting in statewide outrage for several days and courting of arrests by the protestors.

A petition has also been filed in supreme Court demanding CBI enquiry at the behest of Asutosh Negi.

BJP women wing leaders and activists burning effigy of Congress blaming Congress leaders for their controversial statements demanding apology from people.

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