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Visva-Bharati organized a Special Lecture of prof. C. Upendra Rao on Indian Knowledge Traditions

A Special Lecture Program has been organized by the Dept. of Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit, Visva-Bharati on 26th November 2023. Prof. C. Upendra Rao, Senior-most Professor of School of Sanskrit and Indic Studies, JNU, was the speaker of this lecture program. In his spontaneous lecture Prof. Upendra Rao, one of the renowned Indologists, has given a detailed picture of Indian Knowledge Traditions.
In his lecture Prof. Rao emphasized on several points, he said, Indians, who forgot the glory of India, believe that the Science is a concept, which has originated from the west, and it was developed in the West. But Prof Rao with the help of textual references, made it clear that ancient Indians were aware of the concept of science and science is not a concept imported from the West. Whenever Indian seers intended to convey their scientific thoughts, they have taken Sanskrit as a medium. The credit of discovering earth’s gravitational force, goes to Sir Isaac Newton. But, long before of Isaac Newton, the great Bha̅skaraca̅rya in his Lila̅vati̅ talked about the earth’s gravitational force, and Atryabhata spoke about the movements of sun, earth, and other planets in his “Surya Siddhanta”. Prof Rao discussed about all the aspects of Sanskrit literature. He also informed that Pali and Prakrit were used to write beautiful poems and other literature. At the end Prof. Rao focused on the Buddhist Philosophy.
Faculties of the Dept. of Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit, Vishva-Bharati and faculties from other departments of Vishva-Bharati were present in this program. Many students and researchers were also present in this lecture. Prof. Rao’s remarkable presentation enlightened everyone. After the vote of thanks and A̅śramasaṅgita, this fruitful program was concluded.

Professor Rao delivering his lecture

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