Visiting IITF on a Black Friday was an experience yesterday.

First things first.
Black Friday is not a day of mourning in the West. Actually it’s the beginning of the Festive season which begins with the Thanks Giving Day.
We in India don’t know about Thanksgiving. We only believe in curse giving days.
And in any case the Americans don’t hate everything black unless it’s the population.But now they are also turning anti-Brown, telling Indians to Go Back to India.
Back to IITF which held its 41st program this year.I visit it almost regularly since about 25 years or more because that is the only International Festival for which I don’t need a Visa. Just a ticket on the Metro takes me there.
And thanks to my grey hair I am allowed free entry now.(Some respect in a country where the
Air India tells it’s men staff if they can’t colour their hair they should go bald). Maybe they make Anupam Kher their brand ambassador. Actually they should.
But my basic selfish motive as a journalist was to look for people affected by inflation,depression, anger unemployment, boycotting the Trade Fair.
Instead there were huge crowds carrying bags loaded with goodies which as my friend running a perfume stall in Hall 12 A told me, were not essential commodities.
These were the people who enjoy outings and enjoy melas. They don’t mind waiting in long queues to get into the Metros.
They are happier for the bargains they manage to get. Look at that perfume from UAE costing Rs.1400 available at the counter in White at Rs.300.
No wonder the general public is making a huge rush for it. A gentleman in a dilapidated media room told me that 78000 people had visited the IITF yesterday and predicted that on Saturday and Sunday the last two days it could touch 85000.
Thats not a miracle. It happens every year at the IITF.
It happens because the people who throng to these melas don’t have time for TV debates on inflation or why the sensex goes up or down.
They are not concerned if Pakistan has a new Army Chief or if Putin’s hands are shaking with some unknown disease.
It may be his Karma for attacking civilians in his favourite enemy territory putting emergency operations in hospitals in emergency mode.
Or it could simply be old age. Why can’t be media take the simple way out?
Let’s stop blaming Rahul Gandhi for the
Congress losing state after state and some of their top Gandhian leaders joining the party that advocates creating temples for Godse.
If any one is to blame for creating a false narrative it’s the Channel walas for creating poverty where there is none,for.showing anger and frustration where everyone is in festive mood the year round.
And these celebration are totally secular much as the word stands abused,confused and defused.
Does anyone look unhappy anywhere except on TV?And those throwing statistics about inflation and unemployment on every channel with grim faces are paid huge checks to look angry and frustrated.
Have you seen their faces when they leave the studio?That is their giveaway moment when the cameras are off.
The reporters must go out among the people during festivals or sales to be able to predict their mood.
Look at the frenzied crowds blocking roads at any festival in a metro city to a Kumbh Mela.
It’s a cycle of demand and supply.People want salvation for their sins by enjoying as much as possible and they would go any length to seek it.
And who cares about jobs?
As my friend was telling me as we walked around the IITF a businesman never suffers losses. Business is booming once again after the pandemic and they made up their losses except for one year when they were forcibly locked up.
But as facts are now tumbling out, the medical mafia and the bureaucrat nexus minted tons of money prescribing wrong drugs,creating artificial scarcity of oxygen cylinders during the worst tragedy in recent history.
But we can deflate all the anger at China for spreading the virus and enjoy a Black Saturday and Sunday if you please.
Those who don’t have business or jobs have their Pensions.For netas spreading cheer in the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav it’s their multiple pensions running into lakhs.
For journos like us who took VRS 20 years back after spending 25 years in the Hindustan Times it could be a Royal sum of Rs.1,000 plus some something.
What more does one need to stay alive?
Cheers for the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav!