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Veteran journalist, renowned columnist and prolific writer who interviewed Hafiz Sayeed in Pakistan Dr. Bed Pratap Vaidik is no more. RIP

Veteran journalist, prolific writer and former founder and editor of the Hindi service of PTI ” BHASHA” is no more.

He breathed his last on Monday morning in bathroom. Renowned for getting recognition for Hindi journalism worldwide and ardent promotor of Hindi as the national language Dr. Ved Pratap Vaidik was respected by leaders of all political parties and his proximity to the then chief minister of Uttar Pradesh was well known in political circles.

Having come into controversy in the year 2014 when he personally met and interviewed the globally famous and wanted extremist Hafiz Sayeed in Pakistan soft spoken and affable Dr. Ved Pratap Vaidik against whom demand was made by several MPs in Parliament to lodge a case of treason against him, he was not afraid having retorted : I am not afraid of anyone nor have compromised with anyone referring to his meeting with Hafiz Sayeed.

In response to the demand of two parliament MPs asking for lodging case of treason against Dr. Vaidik he said that even if 100 or 543 MPs demand lodging of treason against me, I am least bothered and will allegedly spit on them according to DNA news.

He came into controversy in India, after he met the international Pakistani terrorist and interviewed him in which terrorist Hafiz Sayeed had said that if PM Modi comes to Pakistan he won’t get a good welcome. In one of the tv interviews after returning back from his Pakistan visit in 2014 he had said that if Pakistan and India want, Kashmir can be liberated says the DNA Hindi news.

Currently the chairman of Hindi BHASHA Sammelan and Council for India Foreign policy Dr. Ved Pratap Vaidik was a columnist whose articles used to be published in over 200 newspapers of repute in India n abroad.

Holding specialisation in International affairs Dr. Vaidik while researching in Afghan Foreign Policy he enrolled himself in Columbia University and also studied at School of Oriental and African studies, London and Institute of People’s of Asia, Moscow.

Dr. Vaidik was one of the leading intellectuals of India well connected with global leaders and popular in Indian intellectual and journalistic fraternity having rubbed shoulders with global leaders and well known intellectuals.

The sudden passing away of Dr. VedPratap Vaidik is indeed a great loss to the country and the intellectual n journalistic fraternity leaving huge vacuum difficult to be filled ever.

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