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Veteran journalist and PCI chief Gautam Lahiri’ s Book on Biography of former president Pranav Mukherjee released in New Delhi

A popular book ( Biography) authored by veteran Journalist Gautam Lahiri and president Press Club of India – based on the life, protracted political journey and various political developments taking place during the political career of former president of India and former union minister holding various portfolios during the tenure of Indira , Rajiv Gandhi, Narsimha Rao and Dr.Manmohan Singh, Pranav Mukherjee was released in New Delhi the other day by ambassador and former High Commissioner to Bangladesh Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty , Nirmala Kanti Bhattacharjee , former Secretary of Sahitya Academy and Mr. Pradeep Ganguli, Secretary of Bengal Association. The title of the book is “Rajniti 0 Kutneeti”. The book is written in Bengali.

This book was also sold in good numbers in the recently held three day literary and book festival at the Press Club precincts organised by the PCI management committee headed by Mr. Lahiri who is the back to back second term president.

The book’s significant excerpts were covered by several newspapers of the country like leading newspapers Times of India, Asian Age, Indian Express, Navbharat Times and several others.

The book has made a startling revelation that Sonia Gandhi was interested to make Dr. Manmohan Singh as the president of India when the UPA was in power with Congress party in majority and Pranav Mukherjee during the last leg of Dr. Singh’s tenure, as the prime minister.

According to a detailed report ( Review of the book) of senior journalist with the New Age Sanjay Basak – nearly two years before the general elections in 2014, the then CONGRESS president Sonia Gandhi considered the then finance minister Pranav Mukherjee to take over as prime minister from Dr.Manmohan Singh.

With the term of the president Pratibha Patil coming to an end on April 25, 2012. Mrs Gandhi was seriously thinking of replacing her with the then PM Dr. Manmohan Singh.

This revelation in the biographical book of veteran journalist Gautam Lahiri was a news for everyone as nobody ever had any inkling of knowledge about this hidden secret mentioned in his book in Bengali.

In his book’s one of the chapters in Bengali ” Sonia decided Pranav will be prime minister” , Lahiri mentions in detail that Sonia thought that Dr. Manmohan Singh would not be able to lead the nation efficiently so as to lead the Congress party to success in 2014 , thus strongly believing that Pranav Mukherjee is the best bet for turning the tables and securing a favourable outcome for the Congress party. Pranav was also made aware of this particular line of thinking writes the author Lahiri further adding that jubilant Pranav Mukherjee that very evening distributed sweets to several Bengali journalists.

When the name of Dr.Manmohan Singh was internally floated for the post of presidentship the matter couldn’t be accepted facing stiff opposition from the UPA partners as well as the opposition.

The latter began raising the name of the already served president Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam as a potential candidate.

As Pratibha Patil’s term came near to an end , the Congress leadership became impatient and desperate in search of their strong candidate.

Author of Dr.Pranav Mukherjee’s biography Lahiri writes further : Key figures from BJP and NDA including L.K.Advani, Bala Saheb Thakrey and Nitish Kumar signalled their willingness to support Pranav Mukherjee if he was nominated as the presidential candidate.

Faced with this situation Sonia turned to Pranav for advise writes Basak quoting the book’s related chapter.

On this Pranav warned that incase Dr. Singh is unanimously nominated as the candidate for president he will lose. He cautioned that the defeat in the presidential race would not only result in the major loss of face for the Congress led United Progressive Alliance but also also undermine the government ‘s moral authority raising serious questions about its legitimacy and right to continue in power.

Basak writes, the author of the book Lahiri claims that understanding the potential fallout Pranav Mukherjee convinced Sonia Gandhi not to move forward with Dr. Manmoham Singh’s candidacy . He instead gave his own name convincing Sonia of garnering the NDA votes too. While Pranav’s offer was somewhat like a let down for Sonia Gandhi it was unambiguous that he sought the position of President out of personal pride.

After Pranav’s name was known even Mamata Bannerjee, supported him and he won the presidential election in 2012 serving for full five years term successfully says one of the chapters revelations of the book written by veteran journalist Gautam Lahiri.

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