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The former union minister and Uttarakhand incharge AICC general secretary Kumari Shailja would be on Uttarakhand’s political tour from 15 th January , this being her first ever visit to Dehradun after taking charge as the chief observer / In charge of the Himalayan State Congress. Kumari Shailja has replaced the former Secretary AICC Incharge Devendra Yadav under whose charge the Congress party had lost to the BJP for the second time continuously in 2022.

Since this would be the first visit of Kumari Shailja to Dehradun and Uttarakhand for touring the state in view of the general elections round the corner, the Congress organisation is making all efforts for her rousing welcome.

It is believed that the Congressmen not only from Dehradun but from various constituencies of Uttarakhand’s Garhwal and Kumaon divisions, thousands of party activists , block, district and state level leaders are expected to be in the state capital including large number of women leaders and activists.

All the senior leaders of Congress have specifically been asked to be present on this day.

According to the vice president of Uttarakhand Congress Mathura Prasad Joshi, the national general secretary in charge Kumari Shelja will arrive at Jolly Grant Airport on Monday morning at 9.00 AM where the state president Karan Mahara and senior leaders will receive her giving Ms Shailja a tumultuous welcome. From Airport Shailja will go to the party office in Dehradun via car passing through Doiwala, Harrawala, Rispana bridge acknowledging rousing welcome by Congress activists at various points and finally at the office.

At the party office a grand function is being organised to be attended by thousands of party workers and leaders including lawmakers, block, district Congress office bearers, delegates, Punchayat office bearers etc who will Garland amd welcome the new general secretary In charge of Uttarakhand Congress Kumari Shailja.

Kumari Shailja is coming to Dehradun to meet the party office bearers and grass root level workers including meeting the chiefs and office bearers of Congress, Mahila Congress, Youth Congress, NSUI and various cells of the state Congress and revive the party organisation to instill confidence and vitality in the party set up, office bearers and workers as the general elections are round the corner and the Congress high command want to exploit the entire incumbency factor to win on all the five parliamentary constituencies presently captured by BJP MPs.

According to the Vice President Mathura Dutt Joshi a high level meeting was held with all the office bearers yesterday in which the state chief Karan Mahara spoke about all the arrangements to be made to not only welcome Kumar Shailja but ensure that there is no dearth of crowd on 15 th. He instructed the office bearers to ensure that Congress activists arrive in large numbers from the city as well as various nook and corners of the state to make the event successful.

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