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Tourism, Travel, Mythology, Environment,Uttrakhand

Uttarakhand needs another Sunderlal Bahuguna and his single minded commitment to save the Himalayas : K.S.Jangpangi, fmr DGP Kerala

A seminar was organised at the Press Club of India two weeks ago by Tehri , Garhwal legislature Kishore Upadhyay with a significant participation and speech of the former advisor on environment and forests Avinash Mishra, a Delhi IITian who shed light on the expeditiously melting glaciers in the Himalayas due to increasing temperatures due to global warming. A need was felt that a joint session of parliament should be convened to serious think over this ecological issue irrespective of ideological differences n affiliations to arrive at a credible conclusion to deal with the challenges of increasing global warming. A former IPS, former DGP of Kerala, K.S.Jangpangi has his own perspective on this seminar and the contribution of people to deal , cope and counter the increasing challenges of global warming. He specifically penned down his view for UK nation news after this seminar was held at PCI. Mr. Jangpangi a retired IPS n DGP of Kerala Jangpangi wrote :

Nice to learn that a seminar was held at PCI New Delhi on the subject of the melting of Himalayan Glaciers and concerns in particular about melting of Gaumukhi glacier were highlighted. The seminar was attended by MLA Kishore Upadhyay from Garhwal. A lot of attention was given to what was said by one Mr. Avinash Mishra – a high flying expert with access to highest echelons of power on the subject. There is no dearth of scientific reports as to why Himalayan Glaciers are melting at fast speed. What is lacking is the political will of the successive governments at the centre and state levels. More than the government’s failure is the total apathy of the public on the issues of environmental protection and consolidation. The scientific studies on environmental degradations are never shared with the public by scientific communities working on the subject and governments on the erroneous assumptions that people can’t comprehend scientific studies because of their technicalities. But who stops these scientists and government agencies to disseminate the scientific reports on environmental issues in simple language among the public. There is absolutely no dissemination of scientific research on environmental issues among the public that are directly affected by such environmental degradation issues. Environmental issues are never highlighted by political parties in their manifestos and political campaigns. The NGOs working on the subject also have no impact of any consequence as they operate in silos and make money out of those projects. Which political party or NGO in Uttarakhand has mobilised people on environmental issues ? Even the Uttarakhand centric parties have failed completely on this account. People will listen, debate, discuss and engage if the environmental issues are brought by political parties and NGOs on the table in a concerted manner as the issues of the environment are central to their survival and sustenance. There is need for large scale mobilisation of people living in Himalayan regions on environmental issues and subjects. Himalayan ecology, environmental degradation and policies to mitigate environmental degradations should be taught in the schools and colleges as compulsory subjects. We can save Himalayas with large-scale mobilisation and education of people. No seminar or conference is going to save the Himalayas unless environmental protection and consolidation is made with a major state policy prescription. Uttarakhand needs another Sunderlal Bahuguna and his single minded commitment to save the Himalayas. Otherwise there is no future and we all are doomed to perish in the onslaught of climate change and melting of glaciers and massive deforestation that is going on in Himalayan regions said for IPS n DGP Kerala K.S.Jangpangi.

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