Uttarakhand Manav Seva Samiti Delhi continues to spread its wings by distributing school shoes,masks, blankets etc

At close heels of free distribution of shoes, masks and blankets in Government and Janata Schools and Inter Colleges at Kamandha, Bhaun,Pipli, Khalyoon Danda, Ringalta, Keldhar, Kochiyar, Adalikhal in Nainidanda Block in Pauri Gargwal district, in the month of November, 2021 , the UKMSSD moved to Silvad,Mathali, Sidhpur, Dhontiyal, Sendhikhal, Shoulikhal, Dhulkhetkhal of Jaharikhal Block of Pauri Garhwal in fourth week of December, 2021
According to the president of UKMSSD and former Provident Fund Commissioner the Samiti has been given about 1000 pairs of shoes for needy students by Lancer Footwear Co Pvt Ltd, Pira Garhi, Delhi and 45000 N 95 masks manufactured by Arvind mills provided by United Way of Bengaluru .
In addition the GLMS , Delhi provided 250 blankets for distribution to needy and disadvantaged persons in Uttarakhand. Many individuals and corporates have also sponsored medicines, sanitisers, N 95 and other masks, jackets, stationary items etc from time to time for distribution in schools, hospitals and backward areas.
The distribution of these items have been going on for many years and will continue in future as well said V. N. Sharma.
Other in the distribution team apart from UKMSSD included Shadhi Jadli, Narayan Singh Gusain, Harish Jadli, Nand Kishore Kala, Narender Mohan Bamrada, Satya Pal Singh Rawat, Manoj Rawat, Gajender Singh Rawat, Deen Dayal Bhardwaj, Vishnu Dutt Jakhmola, Shailender Shailender, Shekhar Rana etc.