Salutes to Tukaram Omble for his supreme sacrifice on 26/11 bringing Kasab to justice facing 40 bullets on his chest

Yesterday was the 13 th anniversary of dreaded 26/11 incident, when five dreaded terrorists from Pakistan clandestinely entered Mumbai shores and let loose their terror, killing 163 innocent men and women in Hotel Taj Mahal and Oberoi Trident etc with AK 47s and grenades, including brave heart police officer Hemant Karkare and valiant soldier Tukaram Omble laying down their lives in the line of duty bravely confronting the hard core terrorists and killing all the four, except Ajmal Kasab who was caught red handed by dare devil Tukaram facing not one, two, five, ten or twenty bullets on his chest but forty, not leaving desperate killer Ajmal Kasab scot free, finally catching him and bringing to justice by hanging till death by Mumbai police.
This dare devil brave feat was done, sacrificing himself to 40 bullets of dreaded Pak sponsored terrorist Ajmal Kasab 13 years ago, on 26/11 in the financial capital of the country in 2008, sending shock waves all over.
Just imagine the courage and immense patriotic fervour valiant Mumbai police constable Tukaram Omble had for his country who preferred to face forty bullets of AK 47 from point blank range but never left the collar of the dreaded terrorist Ajmal Kasab finally succumbing to bullets but handed him to police. What an outstanding and exceptional sacrifice never ever heard of, sending shockwaves not only in entire, Mumbai and Maharashtra but among 140 crores Indians.
Tukaram Omble had retired from Indian Army to join Mumbai police after serving the Indian Army as a valiant soldier. He could have led a simple family life after retiring from Indian Army on his monthly pension but preferred to serve Maharashtra police as a fighter after Serving the nation at Indian borders. A policeman with impeccable integrity and a true fighter Tukaram Kamble could have taken things easily and surrendered in front of dreaded terrorist Ajmal Kasab but a true patriotic Omble preferred to face him not caring for his life and grappled him strongly till the last despite being hit on the chest by Kasab with forty bullets repeatedly from close range.
The supreme sacrifice of dedicated valiant soldier Tukaram Omble reminds me of the posthumously awarded coveted Mahavir Chakra, the second highest gallantry recognition recipient by GOI, Rifleman Jaswant Singh Rawat of 4 Garhwal Rifles who just at the age of 21 single handedly killed 300 Chinese soldiers in 1962’s Nurarang war at Tawang Arunachal Pradesh and finally killed himself as a martyr instead of being captured by the Chinese, by his rifle.
The supreme sacrifice of Tukaram Kamble also remind us of the great revolutionaries Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad, Batukeshwar Dutt and Udham Singh whose martyrdom led India achieve independence from the 200 year old colonial British Imperialistic rule. Jai Hind.