Medical camp in Pratap Nagar to distribute free medicines abruptly closed due to politics says Rajeshwar Painuly

The narrow political considerations and rivalry in politics are commonly witnessed, especially in remote areas. In Pratap Nagar, Tehri Garhwal too the narrow political rivalry has resulted in abrupt closure of a free distribution medicine and treatment camp organised by a well known socio political activist, chartered accountant n a former MLA contestant Rajeshwar Painuly despite the very fact that not only he had sought a proper official permission from the concerned authorities but had also arranged free medicines etc to be distributed to the patients and the local populace of Pratap Nagar and the adjoining villages during this challenging and critical Covid times.
Expressing his immense regrets and concern over the closure of the free medicine distribution n treatment camp at Bhadurpatti, in Tehri Garhwal, chartered accountant Rajeshwar Painuly exposed the narrow local politics and desperation of the principal of Bhagat Singh college Delhi University who at the nick of the time telephoned the management not to hold the camp thus closing it at the cost of several villagers of the nearby villages who were to come to have fee medicines worth Rs 1.5 lakh.
According to Rajeshwar Painuly, social activist n chartered accountant, he was shocked to learn about the abrupt closure of the free treatment and medicine distribution camp likely to start at 10 AM at Bhadur Patti with a team of doctors but unfortunately due to the local politics n the principal of Bhagat Singh College Delhi who ordered for the closure of the camp on Monday evening arbitrarily, without informing them n the people earlier, despite the very fact that the necessary permission etc was suitably sought from the ADM of the area. These medical camps were to be organised in five places of Pratap Nagar Tehri Garhwal to benefit about eight to ten thousand inhabitants by way of their medical prescription n free distribution of medicines said Rajeshwar Painuli.
Rajeshwar Painuli
In addition to this he had also written to the district magistrate and also sought the written permission from the basic health centre, Deen Gaon, Bhagat Singh College Delhi and the THDC for organising it under PPP mode.
The member of parliament of Tehri Garhwal Maharani Rajya Lakshmi Shah was likely to inaugurate it virtually in order to ensure adequate distribution of free medicines n treatment to the local populace in this challenging Covid 19 critical times.
Rajeshwar Painuli said that the local people n the villagers have carried out that best efforts to ensure that the health camp is organised properly to medically benefit the villagers by distributing free medicines n treatment in the medical camp but they were shocked to learn that the camp was abruptly closed by the officers concerned n the principal of Bhagat Singh college collaborating with each other giving the reference of Covid guidelines n protocol in the evening n night of Monday thus dashing all the hopes of poor n hapless local villagers who were quite eager to seek medical treatment, advise n free medicines worth Rs two lakhs during these challenging pandemic times, by strictly abiding to the Covid 19 guidelines n regulations.
Expressing his immense shock over abruptly cancelling the permission of the medical camp chartered accountant Rajeshwar Painuly have appealed to the DM n SDM to heed to their earnest appeal and fix new early dates for convening the medical camp at Pratap Nagar in wider peoples’ interest, so as to enable them render n distribute free medical advise n medicines to the patients n villagers of Pratap Nagar n Bhadurpatti who have been devoid of medicines on Monday by abruptly cancelling it just a night before.