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US Secretary of state Antony Blinken meets Qatar PM and discusses release of hostages in Hamas’s captivity including humanitarian aid to the suffering people of Gaza including safety of Americans

While the Israel Palestine war has entered the 25 th day with over 8 thousand , 306 casualties in Gaza, Palestine due to Israel’s incessant air invasion and 1700 Israelis killed due to Hamas attack by firing more than 5000 rockets on 7 th October on Civilian population and thereafter too, the United States secretary of state ( NSA) Antony Blinken on Monday landed in Qatar and met its prime minister urging to help make arrangements for the release of the captured Israeli hostages by Hamas, secure safety passage of Americans n foreign nationals and delivery of humanitarian support to the suffering people of Gaza, Palestine.

Speaking to the Qatari prime minister Mohammed Bin Abdul Rehman Al Thani, the US secretary of state Antony Blinken (as per the brief statement issued by the state Department) discussed in detail about the humanitarian situation, securing safe passage for the United States citizens and other foreigners stucked in Palestine, efforts for the release of the 224 Israel hostages and initiatives to ensure more and more humanitarian aid for the suffering people.

Meanwhile, the Israeli ground troops have already entered Gaza and have located some underground tunnels of Hamas.

According to various reports the Israeli Defence Forces and air force have so far attacked on 150 locations of Hamas and killed several of its commanders.

According to a reliable information around 1, 400 to 1500 Israel soldiers have been killed since October 7, including 308 Israeli Defence Forces soldiers, 10 Shit bet agents, and at least 5, 132 wounded. There are also reports of around 70 Arab Israel citizens dying.

In Gaza the tragedies have been tremendous with over 8, 306 casualties and several thousand people injured with over two million displaced or leading shattered lives in extreme distress with lot of children, youth, women, and old aged dying apart from bombardment due to grievous injuries and lack of medical treatment.

Though the UN, and several countries of the globe including US, UK, France etc including India has sent tremendous amount of relief materials, food, tents, medicines, clothing etc to Gaza strip and West Bank, Palestine but the tragedy is so exponential and vast that more and more aid is required from around the world.

Kindly recall that Qatar is outrightly and openly supporting the Palestine, Hamas and the Palestinian cause and its people and also helping them in all respects.

Israel is fighting the Hezbollah on Lebanon’s border too who are openly backing the Hamas on the blessings, total support and backing of Iran.

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