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US General Mark Milley fears emergence of civil war in Afghanistan?

The situation in Afghanistan seems to have gone awry with Haqqani network and Taliban coming on an confrontation mode to seek power especially after the former grievously injuring Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar this morning who was the claimant for the presidentship of Islamist Emirate of Afghanistan. According to various news reports Taliban and Pakistan backed Haqqani Network are now in direct confrontation.

While the Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar is interested to include the minority communities in the new government, Pakistan backed fundamentalists Haqqani network led by deputy Taliban leader Sirazuddin and its terrorist groups do not want to share power with anyone except old Taliban with medieval bent of mind. After capturing 34 out of 35 provinces except Panjsheer valley about twenty days ago the Taliban could not form its representative transitional government as per commitment given to international community during to Doha peace accord.

On the other hand the Taliban fighters have so far failed in Panjaheer valley with its around more than six hundred soldiers killed at the hands of Northern Alliance fighters led by Ahmed Massoud and former Afghanistan vice president Amrullah Saleh.

The Northern Alliance n National Resistance Front is giving a tough fight to Taliban and Pakistan supported Haqqani Network in Panjsheer valley having killed hundreds of Taliban fighters and Haqqani terrorists.

It is believed that there had been grave differences between Sirajuddun Haqqani and Mulla Biradar that led to bullet firing by Pak based Haqqani network on the former gravely injuring him.

Meanwhile the US General Mark Milley has while giving an interview to Fox news expressed apprehensions that keeping in view the fierce fighting between Northern Alliance Resistance forces and Taliban as well as Pak backed Haqqani network including attack on Mulla Abdul Ghani Biradar chances of civil war erupting can’t be ruled out in the near future.

He added : What is more disturbing is the fact that deadly terrorist organisations like Al Qaeda and IS will again breed here finding it a safe haven.

According to the latest report, about 1000 Taliban soldiers have been arrested and nearly 600 Taliban and Haqqani network fighters killed by Northern Alliance forces leading to chances of direct armed struggle n eruption of civil war in the near future said Mark Milley.

Afghanistan which has during early Taliban rule during nineties witnessed emergence of global terrorists like Al Qaeda, Pakistan aided n abetted Haqqani network, Lashkare Tayyeba and Jaish-e- Mohammed etc is again becoming a breeding ground for these deadly terrorists who may infiltrate in strife torn Kashmir to destabilise India.

On 4 th September, the the National Resistance Front valiantly fighting the Taliban and Pak based Haqqani Network in Panjsheer Valley annoyed with a part of the deviated media filing biased stories about Panjsheer bowing down at the feet of Talibans tweeted : Baradar urged his Taliban not to fight the Panjshirs and recalled them to Kabul, Mullah Baradar himself was badly wounded and was taken to Pakistan for treatment. The media that covered, Panjshur fell, shame on you and you have no honour. You have become the part of the game of T-N. In another tweet the front wrote: The media attention was on Panjshir n did not cover the shoot out of Taliban leaders. Now the spirit of the Taliban is suppressed in the Panjshhir, their leaders are fighting among themselves for power says the NSF tweet.

In another interesting shocking development, the friend of Assad Massoud, fighter of Panjsheer valley n leader of Northern Alliance, powerful Guerilla commander who fought against the Soviet Army for ten long years during 1979 to 1989 tooth and nail, Fahim Dasti who was in the room where Assad Massoud was assassinated in 2001, but saved was yesterday killed along with his son while bravely fighting cruel Talibans to protect his home town in Panjsheer valley.

Assad Massoud’s son Ahmed Massoud and former Vice president of Afghanistan Amarullah Saleh are presently wagung a war against Taliban to save the people of Panjshir as well as uts territory killing about 600 Talibans n Haqqani network terrorists. Assad Massoud was was a military commander of the then government after Soviets ouster from Afghanistan in 1989 which ruled till 1996. He was killed by Talibans in 2001 in Panjshir as a Northern Forces chief who fought the cruel Talibans all his life.

Feature Pic : Wikipedia

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