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US accuse Pakistan of playing double dubious role of openly patronising the Taliban for the last 2 decades and also supporting us fighting terrorism. This is not done says Blinken

The United States administration is badly annoyed with its old ally Pakistan, whom it pampered tremendously for several decades especially when Congress government was fully tilted towards Russia as its long term partner from Nehru Leonid Breznev era to Indira, Rajiv – mikhael Gorbachev regimes.

However, after the disintegration of USSR and BJP government ruling at the centre, first during the tenure of late prime minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and there after in 2014 under prime minister Narendra Modi it’s foreign policy completely tilted towards the United States, which too deviated from its traditional friend Pakistan and stopped maximum financial aid earlier given to it to counter terrorism thus making Pakistan financially handicapped compelling it to tilt towards expansionist China after it invested tremendous amount of money in CPEC in POK as well as using it against India, being India’s sworn enemy too, having committed several misadventures in Galwan valley as well.

Today, Pakistan is trying to again play its notorious games by aiming Taliban against India and making it a breeding ground for global terrorists as well as deadly Pak aided and abetted terrorists of Al Qaeda, Laskare Taiyebba, Haqqani network and Jaish E Mohammed including dreaded organisations of Turkey, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, badly annoying United States of America as well as India.

It is an open fact that Pakistan has been the sanctuary for dreaded terrorists of Al Qaeda, Taliban and numerous terror organisations as above, harbouring them in their country and sending them to Kashmir clandestinely to carry on their various deadly subversive and sabotage activities including 26/ 11 and 9/11 in Mumbai, India and New York, United States of America killing hundreds of innocent people.

The families of Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorists including those of Haqqani network are being sheltered in Pakistan since decades while they carry on their subversive activities in war torn Afghanistan now aiding the new Taliban regime to the fullest under the directives and guidance of ISI and Pak Army and neighbouring India, especially un strife torn Kashmir.

After being in Afghanistan for twenty long years, losing their trillions of US dollars gaining nothing, the US troops finally left Afghanistan giving the country on platter to cruel and notorious Taliban, losing their several thousand soldiers as well.

Now, US is seriously contemplating of modifying its foreign policy with Pakistan especially in view of its open patronage to Taliban n its new regime and its incessant support to Al Qaeda, Haqqani Network and Taliban thus making Afghanistan a breeding ground for dreaded global terrorists once again, posing direct threat to central Asian countries and India including border countries like Tajikistan, Kirgistan etc in league with the dreaded Islamist terror organisations in these countries with the help of Turkey.

According to the latest news pouring it the pro China country, Pakistan has by its pro terror activities openly supporting Taliban as its proxy against India etc, has annoyed US to such a magnitude that it is now shifting apart from it, changing its foreign policy after closely analysing the latest situation and subsequent conduct n role of Pakistan in the near future.

Addressing and interacting with the Congressmen n members of its foreign policy committee the US secretary of state Antony Blinken has categorically said that notorious Pakistan is playing a hypocritical role betraying US, by one the one hand patronising Taliban and in the other hand supporting us in our fight against terrorism.

Defending the decision of US President Joe Biden to call back the US troops from Afghanistan Blinken said that there was no use to extend the stay of US troops in the war torn Afghanistan as neither the Afghan forces trained by US not its people and government became self reliant inspire our wholehearted support nor was there any hope for any good despite America wasting thousands of crores all these years.

Responding to the questions of media men Antony Blinken said that US is deeply assessing the present and future role of Pakistan in the context of Afghanistan and will thereafter decide as to what would be it’s foreign policy with regard to its relationship with Pakistan.

Lauding the role of India of coming into fray in terms of the latest Afghanistan situation, he added that after India’s, proactive participation in Afghan situation, Pakistan has become weaker. He openly accused Pakistan of aiding, abetting and supporting the dreaded Haqqani network and Taliban for the last two decades that exposed this country of being in league with the dreaded global terrorists who are wanted by America carrying large bounty on their heads but becoming ministers in Taliban government at the behest if Pakistan.

Pakistan’s intelligence services ( ISI) is openly collaborating with Haqqani network. Kindly recall that Pakistan is the first country to recognise Taliban and it’s ISI chief was in Afghanistan at the time of its new regime’s formation.

feature pic : Observer Research Foundation

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