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Unique protest by YC activists in PPE Kits against skyrocketing price rise in petrol, diesal n domestic gas leading to all round inflation

Delhi Pradesh Youth Congress protested outside Petroleum Ministry against rising petrol and diesel prices.

The government, which finds ‘opportunity in disaster’, has thrown the country’s economy into disaster. On one hand the economy is crumbling, on the other hand the prices of petrol and diesel are skyrocketing: Srinivas BV

New Delhi, 05 June 2021:

Youth Congress today protested against the skyrocketing petrol and diesel prices. The government is constantly giving a blow to the people who’ ve been overburdened n badly stricken by the anti people policies of the government. In such an odd situation, no government in the world would have committed so many atrocities on its people as the Modi government is doing.

The National President of Youth Congress Srinivas BV was on Saturday addressing hundred of protesting activists against the skyrocketing prices of Petro products in New Delhi. Indian Youth Congress president said that the government, which seeks ‘opportunity in disaster’, has thrown the country’s economy into acute disaster.

On one hand the economy is crumbling while on the other, the prices of petrol and diesel are skyrocketing not only overburdening the already burdened countrymen but also creating Chaos in the country putting one and all in extreme socio economic crisis.

Shriniwas further said that when the BJP was in opposition, it was seen demonstrating on the streets on the mere 5 rupee increase in petrol and diesel price per litre but today when there is all-round inflation, everyone is silent. Today the Youth Congress had by way of organising serious of protest demonstration nationally for the last several days have tried to wake them up from their sleep.

In many parts of the country, petrol has crossed ₹Rs 100, diesel Rs 90, with prices of Petro products further increasing day by day, but unfortunately, the shameful thing is that despite doing such open loot, the BJP government is busy blaming Congress.

Shriniwas said that the Modi government has made such a dent in the budget of the common man that they are unable to cope with it and are at the mercy of the Modi government which according to YC is a new record is being set in the prices of petrol, diesel.

National General Secretary and Delhi In-charge Bhaiya Pawar said that farmers, youth, laborers, traders, women are suffering due to inflation, the anti-people face of RSS and BJP has been exposed fully, putting the countrymen in acute financial mess and scarcity putting their position in extreme jeopardy, especially during already challenging n odd Covid times .

National Secretary Mukesh Kumar said that the people of the country had chosen PM Modi and his ministers on the promise of ‘achhe din’, but unfortunately belying the peoples’ trust, PM Modi and his government have broken the trust of the people. National Secretary Mohit Choudhary said that the Modi government has no shame, no consideration, it is the rule of robbers.

National media in-charge Rahul Rao said that this government and its ministers have no understanding of the economy. Inflation is already on the rise. The fire that is raging in the prices of petrol and diesel has increased the inflation manifold. We demand that the increased prices should be withdrawn with immediate effect and relief be given to the people suffering from inflation and recession by returning the hike in excise duty. When the BJP was in opposition, it used to protest on the road with a gas cylinder at a slight increase, but today all the BJP leaders are silent, the people of the country will never forgive this behaviour. What is interesting about this protest during lockdown is that the youth Congress activists were wearing PPE kits n shouting slogans against the arbitrary price hike in Petro products.

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  1. मंहगाई इतनी बढ़ गई कि आने वाले दिनों में लूटपाट छीना-झपटी आत्म हत्या बढ़ेगीं

  2. 🕉️It is not customary agitation like opposition parties normally used to do against ruling govt.
    People of my age have seen through ages such agitaional rallies from the beginning. Whatever, may be the reasons but the nation is passing through highest price index of its time. The commercial and economics experts may extend any explanation but the crunch is born by the national consumers.

    We have heard many positive onlookers but could never comment on, as to where has the money gone then???? A million dollars question.🕉️

  3. Media used to highlight such agitations during congress regime, but it avoids talking about inflation and unemployment now. They rather do everything possible to divert general public attention from actual issues.

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