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Unbelievable. A write up of renowned Garhwali, Hindi author Narendra Kathaith on various traditional items of a museum written in Sept, acknowledges 2.5 billion views

A renowned Garhwali, Hindi literateur, writer and journalist of Uttarakhand Narendra Kathaith from Pauri, Garhwal who had written an article on the Uttarakhand Art Museum set up by Sameer Shukla and his wife near Mussourie in Uttarakhand having also designed and prepared the unique and mesmerising Uttarakhand’s Pahari Topi, ( Uttarakhand’s traditional hill cap”, ) with Himalayan state flower Brahm Kamal inscribed on it, worn by prime minister Narendra Modi on Republic day drawing everyone’s attention , acknowledged unbelievable 2.5 billion views globally when the story written by this author was published in a in the month of September and his face book timeline etc.

This museum comprising of all the Uttarakhand’s traditional invaluable items to preserve and promote its ancient cultural heritage was established near Mussourie in the name of Soham Himalaya Museum in 1997 by prominent art lover Sameer Shukla and his wife possessing tremendous passion to preserve and conserve the Uttarakhand’s invaluable traditional artefacts, values and ancient cultural heritage.

The eminent literateur and Garhwali, Hindi writer Narendra Kathaith visited this Museum and highlighted about various traditional Uttarakhand items n artefacts which also included a unique Pahadi Topi meticulously designed and prepared by Sameer Shukla and his wife including about various other facets of this outstanding museum as claimed by the owner of the museum.

This article written in the month of September, was widely read globally and acknowledged unbelievably 2.5 billion views and the trend continues unabatedly now as well.

What is the exceptional development about the article of Garhwali and hindi writer Narendra Kathaith of Pauri, Garhwal is that after learning about this unique n magnificient museum a close friend of Sameer Shukla has supplied this Pahari Topi to PMO on exclusive demand ultimately worn by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the Republic Day Parade function highly lauded by one and all with news media channels and print media giving it the name of Uttarakhand cap, becoming popular at the pan India level n globally as well.

The adoration of prime minister for Uttarakhand Himalayas and Kedarnath Shrine is also well known where he has visited five times after becoming prime minister of the country and having meditated for several months years ago.

According to Sameer Shukla though some of the Delhi shopowners are also claiming to have designed and supplied the cap but the hard authentic fact is that the Pahari Topi designed by his museum after tremendous meticulous work was supplied by my friend on the exclusive demand from the concerned authorities, the name of whom could not be disclosed due to various reasons to avoid identity etc said Shukla while speaking to

Speaking to Sameer Shukla and his are the true art lovers having tremendous passion for preserving and promoting the healthy ancient culture and priceless traditional items of Uttarakhand and a a result of this passion they have come out with the credible idea for establishing this museum.

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