Uttarakhand health minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat’s car overturns. He is safe and sound say reports

The car of Uttarakhand’s health minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat is reported to have been met with an accident and the car got overturned by the impact of another vehicle. However, the good news is that the minister and other occupants of the car are safe and sound.
According to the latest news pouring in the health minister of Uttarakhand Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat was returning back to Dehradun via Pauri where he had gone with some important work. The minister has gone to Thalisain in connection with the inauguration of the 4G internet service and the website of the college but while returning back to Dehradun his car overturned all of a sudden near Bharsaar, probably due to excessive moisture, the road becoming slippery.
Health minister, Uttarakhand Dhan Singh Rawat
The minister was travelling with the UCF chairman Matbar Singh Rawat and Pauri district cooperative bank and his staff driven by the driver. Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat is MLA from Srinagar, Garhwal and minister Health in Uttarakhand government.