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Tributes paid to Rajesh Khanna on his death anniversary at The Treat

Richest floral and singing tributes were paid to the legendary first and original superstar of India Rajesh Khanna aka Kaka on his, death anniversary at The Treat, behind Jesus and Mary college, diplomatic area, Chanakya Puri on 18 th July (Sunday) where several known singers who also are Kaka’s die hard fans sang Kishore’s popular songs given voice on silver screen by an everlasting heart throb of millions Rajesh Khanna.

Prior to the commencement of the singing session Vipin Oberoi, the organiser of the event along with his wife n friends paid their respectful tributes by way of rituals like Hawan and chanting of Mantras at the venue.

THE TREAT owned by Vipin Oberoi, who was in proximity to Kaka, was visited by superstar legend Rajesh Khanna number of times where he distributed food to poor and underprivileged on his birthdays every year while in Delhi.

He used to love the delicacies of The Treat Food Cart. Kaka inaugurated this Food Cart twenty years ago as well on the request of Vipin Oberoi. Me being his media advisor often met Kaka at The Treat and interacted with him and had fun time.

Several die hard fans and family members of Vipin paid tributes to Kaka on his 79 th Death Anniversary by offering flowers and bowing down in reverence in front of his photo.

Following Kaka’s footsteps about five hundred children, family members of the nearby areas and clusters and the passers by were distributed lunch etc on his death anniversary on 18 th July, Sunday.

Vipin Oberoi and Kaka’s fans every year commemorate the legendary actor’s birth and death anniversaries at “The Treat”, venue remembering the iconic superstar who was also the member of parliament from New Delhi. Renowned singers Ramesh Nautiyal, Ganga Thakur, Rajesh Jarial, Mr. Chand n Shabnam sang Kaka’s mesmerising songs and paid tributes to the Superstar. Senior socio political leader Dev Raj Ahuja too paid his singing tribute to Kaka on this, occasion.

A statue of Kaka was also inaugurated on this ocassion. Paying his tributes to legendary superstar and politician, MP from New Delhi who has about ninely films as a solo hero and in total more than 135 films to his credit Rajesh Khanna, his former media advisor Sunil Negi said Rajesh Khanna never died. He is immortal and an institution in himself whose memories remain always fresh in the minds n hearts of millions of his fans world over.

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