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The former AAP CM face Col. ( R) Ajay Kothiyal to join BJP today evening at Delhi Headquarter ?

Till yesterday the AAP CM face Col. ( R) Ajay Kothiyal to join BJP today evening at Delhi Headquarter.

Politics had always been the last game of scoundrels as the saying goes and every politician becoming opportunist to grab power and positions. This is nothing new. Now opportunism has become so frequent that it’s being considered as one of the best feat of our politicians with parties welcoming their opponents with open arms excusing them for their past sins even overseeing their obnoxious accusations.

There can’t be an outstanding example of encouraging defections and open heartedly accepting the defectors into the saffron party in 2016-17 when more than nine lawmakers of Congress changed sides and majority of them appointed ministers in Uttarakhand government still continuing this time as well.

But when it comes to those claiming to be man of integrity like retired colonel Ajay Kothiyal, a chief ministerial face of AAP in the recently held state elections losing badly, joining BJP whom he was charging with tons of accusations just few months ago, it looks as if there is no place for decency, integrity, trust and faith in politics and peoples’ trust for these opportunist politicians hold no meaning.

Till few months ago, the chief ministerial candidate from Gangotri – Colonel Kothiyal holding a broom on his back in place of rifle asking for votes and assuring people of Garhwal, turning the face of Uttarakhand upside down for their good, is today allegedly joining the saffron party at the Delhi BJP headquarter in the evening along with his working president Bhupesh Upadhyay who too resigned from the primary membership of the party along with Colonel Kothiyal. However, till now neither BJP nor colonel Kothiyal has confirmed or denied these speculations.

There are rumours that his name may include in the list of one of the prospective Rajya Sabha members from Uttarakhand. At present one of the names doing round in political corridors is of Dr Surya Prakash Semwal as well reveal sources.

According to the Uttarakhand BJP president Madan Kaushik, the former chief ministerial face of AAP in Uttarakhand, Colonel Ajay Kothiyal will be joining BJP in the presence of Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami, national media incharge Anil Baluni etc.

Being a retired colonel of Indian Army having worked hard with his subordinates during the 2013 Kedarnath disaster while in service evacuating the deluge victims during this dreaded ecological disaster and thereafter contributing in the renovation n rehabilitation works in Kedarnath, Colonel Ajay Kothiyal is quite popular and adorable among people and army ranks in Uttarakhand.

Hearing his heroic deeds during and after the ecological catastrophe of Uttarakhand, he was approached by the Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal and declared the CM face but the move boomeranged for the reasons best know to the party that could not bring a single seat in Uttarakhand.

After losing badly, getting 3.41% votes in Uttarakhand, including his own Gangotri seat, dejected Colonel Ajay Kothiyal had resigned from the primary membership of AAP along with its working president Bhupesh Upadhyay a few days ago. Today he is joining the BJP at 4.00 in the evening at Delhi BJP headquarter with CM Pushkar Singh Dhami also reaching the national capital to welcome him.

He is the recipient of Kirti Chakra, Shaurya Chakra and Vishisht Sewa Medal having fought the Kargil war bravely.

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  1. This was recommended and expected. BJP is the ultimate, aim, refuse and alrernative.

    People have learnt this art through hard ways. Initial wlingness to woo BJP is invariably denied. But via any of the opposit parties it is easier.

  2. Good afternoon.

    It should be a matter of not just worry but shame also, for our UK’s politicians (irrespective of which party they belonged) that even after a lapse two decades this is the condition of our hospitals in the state.

    In fact more or less similar pathetic condition prevails in almost all the offices, involving public dealing.

    At times, one wonders, that with a capable & sincere person like Yogi in the CM’s saddle in UP, won’t it would have not been better for Garhwal if UK had not come ito existence at all……🤔🤔🤔
    This comment is of our Avid reader Ramesh Rawatji, on whatsApp

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