Three leopards pose direct threat to inhabitants of five villages in Dhaulakhandi block

The terror of man eaters in the villages under the jurisdiction of Dhaula Devi development block has panicked the local residents as there have been confirmed reports of at least leopards roaming around and roaring repeatedly marking their presence in villages such as Govinpur , Munoli, Thali , Muriyaabaaj, Dhaar, Kulori , Chhantaanaa near Danya Almora.
According to a vedio recorded by some of the residents from distance as suggested by social activist Govind Gopal, the presence of these roaring tigers n leopards have sensitised the inhabitants compelling them to remain indoors as their possible attacks on human being in the near future can’t be ruled out.
According to social activist Govind Gopal the villagers of the aforesaid villages spotted a leopard during day time near these villages though at a distance of 200 metres away with three leopards, may be maneaters active in the area posing direct threat to children, women, senior citizens n youths.
Just two days ago a twenty eight year old young boy was brutally killed by a maneater in Dwarikhal block of Pauri Garhwal sending panic and shock waves around, with highly exasperated villagers demanding fixing of iron cages to capture it through tranquilisation n if not possible then shooting it through professional hired shooters.
After witnessing the leopard in broad daylight the villagers had recorded a vedio and shared in the social media.
According to the latest reports the carnivores have come nearer to human habitats on prowl for human flesh posing direct threat to local residents, especially those living in the aforesaid five villages.
There have been several incidents of these carnivores, leopards making domestic animals like dogs, cows n buffaloes their easy prey n killing them.
Govind Gopal says that the increasing terror of these carnivores to the domestic animals n human beings have restricted residents of Govindpur, Dhar, Charan, Munoiuli and Gauligaon to remain indoors and dogs have been killed just a few days ago.
He added that due to the arbitrary actions of land mafias and builders capturing forest lands n construction activities, the carnivores have shifted near human habitats in search of domestic animals and human flesh.
Had the forest mafia, land sharks and mining mafia not exerted extreme pressure on wild life in jungles the otherwise peaceful lives of wild animals would not have been disturbed and they wouldn’t have made domestic animals and human beings their easy prey said social activist Govind Gopal.
Accusing the so called officers of environment, forest and Wildlife department of just completing their formalities and never being serious in maintaining the forest cover Govind Gopal added that jungles are being misused to allegedly mint handsome money and crores of government budget being misused in the name of maintaining nurseries just on papers.
Maximum forests of Uttarakhand are dominated by the pine trees which being massively cut thus disturbing the wild life, especially carnivores who are migrating to plains seeking refuge behind bushes near human habitats and agricultural fields in search of domestic animals and human flesh to fill their empty bellies added Govind Gopal.
He urged upon the forest department to be vigilant towards their duties and maintain forest cover by doing maximum plantation to stop the migration of wild life especially leopards, wild bears n tigers towards human habitats thus saving the lives of domestic animals and precious human lives. He also demanded fixing of iron cages to capture them to send them to zoos in order to save the lives of domestic animals and human beings at the earliest.
Pic : courtsey, Down to Earth
There is dangerous menace of wild cats in UK. But UK is busy finding new CM. In legislative assembly every is busy in saving their party image. No one has time to think about victims. Killing one man means killing one family. I have seen, no sign of regret in any legislator, parliamentarian or CM eyes. Really there is very pathetic state of affairs in the Govt.
Environment, forest, wildlife departments are expected to protect the villagers from wild carnivorous animals like tigers, leopards & bears.
Environmental issues ,and so of forests in Uttarakhand , is of no concern for those who are responsible. People who are advocating for forest are being harassed , thrashed and ultimately killed . Huge de-forestation, mining , forest land grabbings and miss-use of fund meant for forest activities is rampant . A massive economy of billions of rupees has been developed by perishing greenery of our forests . Policy makers are having no priority for the conservation of flora and fauna of the hill state . Those assigned the job are busy in happy with making tours of foreign countries in the name of study tours with tax payer’s money , and due to no interest, false data is being copied and pasted time to time to keep their masters happy . Forest fires are in fact being organized and there is determined efforts to keep forests on fire thru out the year . I request all to take interest in these issues and get stopped unwanted activities stopped in the forests of Uttarakhand . I request all of you to save lives of those who are advocating for the conservation of forests . Thanks , -Govind Gopal
The people of Uttarakhand are natural saviors of forest and environmental and floral and fauna have been part of their life style from ages. They are also unpaid soldiers of government of India but never ever been attacked so frequently by man eaters.
The outsiders and those who sit in air-conditioned offices decide the policy of environment never ever caring for locals.
In all environmental issues, the locals be made the decision making body. No one can vmbe better judge than the locals.
Priority issue for any govt, if wants to save its predicament in forthcoming election.
उत्तराखंड में यत्र तत्र हर हफ्ते सुनने में आता है बागेश्वर जिले में तेंदुए ने एक महिला पर अटैक कर दिया है। पौड़ी जिले में भालू ने एक महिला पर अटैक कर दिया। टिहरी जिले में बाघ बकरी को ले गया। अल्मोड़ा जिले में तेंदुए ने आदमी को निवाला बना दिया। कब तक ये खबरें आती रहेंगी। प्रशासन को पत्र लिखे। कोई जवाब नही। बन मंत्री को पत्र लिखा। कोई जवाब नही। मुख्यमंत्री को पत्र लिखा। कोई जवाब नही। प्रधानमंत्री को पत्र लिखा। कोई जवाब नही। जब जवाब नही मिल रहे हैं तो कार्रवाई भी नही हो रही है तो अगला निशाना हरिद्वार से भी आएगा। हरिद्वार में एक महिला को तेंदुए ने अपना निवाला बनाया। अगर किसी आदमी ने बन्य जीव को मारा तो वह घंटों के अंदर सलाखों के पीछे होगा लेकिन वन्य जीव ने किसी आदमी को मारा तो कानून फेल। आदमखोर जानवरों ने उत्तराखंड में डरावना माहौल बना रखा है। ऐसे आदमखोर वन्य जीवों को मार ही दो। निवेदन है सरकार।