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Third phase polling commenced in Uttar Pradesh. Punjab also goes to poll

The third phase of voting in Uttar Pradesh as well as in Punjab has commenced today with the assembly seat of the Samajwadi chief Akhilesh Yadav namely Karhal also going to polls today.

After two phase of polling earlier including in Western Uttar Pradesh the anti incumbency seems to be dominating with news analysts giving majority points to Samajwadi party and the Gathbandhan, though BJP is claiming to repeat the saffron party government in Uttar Pradesh signifying the Modi and Yogi Adityanath charisma, apart from other achievements.

However, the Congress party seems to be a distant third with BSP too not in such a good position as it was in the previous election. In the third phase of polling today the voting is going on in 59 assembly constituencies, some of the crucial assembly seats being Farukkabad, Etava, Kannauj, Kishanganj, Mainpuri, Firozabad, Hathras, Aurayya, Kanpur Dehat, Kanpur Nagar, Jalaun, Jhansi, Lalitpur, Mohaba, n Hamirpur etc.

The polling of today is in the 59 constituencies in 16 crucial districts of Uttar Pradesh. Today’s polling is also interesting because the chief of Samajwadi Party and former Uttar Pradesh CM Akhilesh Yadav is contesting from Karhal constituency against SP Singh Baghel, union minister and BJP candidate.

The seat will surely go in favour of SP, this being the stronghold of Samajwadi party and the SP patriarch n former UP CM n union defence minister Mulaayam Singh Yadav and Akhilesh Yadav being the next CM of the state say it’s dedicated workers.

The prime minister Narendra Modi has also in a tweet appealed to voters, especially youths to go in large numbers to exercise their votes. He tweeted : the Punjab elections and the third phase of UP elections are being held today. I call upon all those voting today to do so in large numbers, particularly the youth as well first time voters tweeted prime minister.

In today’s polling while electorates of 59 constituencies spread over 16 districts are going to vote from 8 AM to 6 PM, about 627 candidates are in the fray. About more than two crore voters are enrolled in these 59 constituencies going to poll today.

In Punjab which is going for a single day poll, there is a strong contest between Congress, AAP and SAD though there are speculations of either AAP forming the government or Punjab to witness a hung assembly with Aaam Admi Party having an upper say. The electorates seem to be annoyed with SAD and BJP reveal sources with sky rocketing inflation, farmers agitation against three farm laws, infighting in Congress and freebies announced by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal playing major roles in affecting this election. The counting is on March 10.

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