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Third dreaded militant attack in a week with one SPO and five soldiers injured as militants fired and threw grenades at the tin shed of Army personnel at 1200 feet in J & K in Doda district

The militant attacks in Jammu and Kashmir region has increased since the last three days with Tuesday evening’s incident injuring five jawans and a civilian at Chattergala area in DODA district at the high of 12000 feet above sea level. This is the third severe incident within the last three days. This clandestine planned attack by the militants was executed on the police and security post situated in Chattergala of Soda district severely injuring six people including five security personnel. The news send shock waves all around. According to the latest feedback the militants pre strategically executed the attack by firing on the police and security personnel at a tin shed on Tuesday evening at around 8 PM in Chattergal area of Doda district in Jammu and Kashmir. The Doda’s Bhadarwah area and the surrounding Sarthak in Kathua district are the one of the best tourist destinations. This seems to be a very meticulous pre strategic attempt by the militants to disturb peace and create terror in the otherwise bustling but peaceful tourism destination by also hurling grenades at police and security personal with the army personnel retaliated with the cross fire between the terrorists and army personal continuing till next morning on Wednesday. After the firing ended the next early morning on Wednesday with militants running away, the injured SPO and five wounded personnel were immediately ferried to the Bhadarwah hospital finally shifting them to Udhampur, Army command hospital where they are being treated. According to the latest news two militants have been killed by security forces and a soldier also sacrificed himself in the exchange of fire in Kathua last night apart from the Doda incident.

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