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12 killed, 12 injured at Badrinath Highway after a tempo traveller carrying 26 persons fell down in Alaknanda river 300 metres downwards with immense force

Uttarakhand seems to be accidents prone, either through natural disasters, brutal tragedies through jungle fires or dangerous vehicular accidents including human killings via maneaters. At Badrinath Highway today a massive accident occured when a speeding vehicle , tempo traveller carrying about twenty six persons could’nt be controlled by the driver this felling two hundred metres down in the river killing twelve persons on the spot and several injured , twelve of them having been admitted at All India Institute of Medical Sciences after being lifted through air ambulance. These twenty six tourists/ pilgrims were heading for Tungnath- Chopta for sight seeing and to enjoy the serene environment and surrounding scenic beauty. All the tourists were from Gurugram, Haryana.

According to he latest news pouring in, the tragic accident occured in Badrinath Highway near Rentaali . The accident and the deaths were confirmed by Dr. Vishaka Ashok Bhadane. After acknowledging the news about this tragic accident the local police, district administration, the SDRF n SDRF rescue teams reached the spot and retrieved the dead bodies as well the 12 injured who were rushed to AIIMS Rishikesh for immediate treatment via the helicopter ambulance.

The tempo traveller fell down after hitting and damaging the parafet built on the turns of the road with immense force may be the driver could not control the vehicle. The vehicle, tempo traveller fell down in the Alaknanda river, about three hundred metres down words with immense force near Raintoli on Badrinath Highway.

The prime minister Narendra Modi expressed his deepest condolences after learning about the tragic demise of the pilgrims on Badrinath Highway. The PMO has sanctioned Rs two lakhs to each of the deceased family and RS 50000 to those injured. While expressing his grief PM Narendra Modi wrote on X :

The road accident in Rudraprayag, Uttarakhand is heartbreaking. My deepest condolences to the bereaved families who lost their loved ones in this. Along with this, I wish for the speedy recovery of all the injured. Under the supervision of the state government, the local administration is engaged in all possible help to the victims: PM


The MP from Garhwal and national media incharge of BJP Anil Baluni while expressing his deepest condolences wrote on social media X : Very sad news has been received about some people getting injured due to a tempo traveler accident in Rudraprayag district. The local administration and SDRF team are engaged in relief and rescue operations. I pray to Lord Badri Vishal to give place to the departed souls in his feet and give strength to the bereaved family to bear this immense pain.

The Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami wrote on X after expressing his serious concern and condolences and meeting the injured at AIIMS : After reaching AIIMS, Rishikesh, met the people injured in the Tempo Traveller accident in Rudraprayag and enquired about their well-being. Also contacted the family members of the injured and assured them of all possible help from the government. During this time, information was also taken from the doctors regarding the treatment of the injured.

The Uttarakhand Journalists Forum while expressing its grief over this most tragic accident said that while we are praying for peace of the deceased souls and giving of enough strength to the bereaved families to bear this irreparable loss ,the government of the state is requested to find a permanent solution to these growing tragedies on every alternate days. This need to be addressed in top priority basis as road accidents are on the rampant rise in Uttarakhand and very little have been dine to avert them. The statistics of these brutal tragedies are self explanatory. OM Shanti said the Uttarakhand Journalists Forum president, journalist and author Sunil Negi with a heavy heart.

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