Taliban claims capturing Panjsheer ? Extends invitations to China, Russia, Pakistan, Turkey, Qatar n Iran

The new regime in Afghanistan, Taliban has claimed that it has captured Panjsheer and killed majority of its enemies referring towards Northern Alliance and National Resistance front fighters.
Taliban has hoisted its flag outside the Panjahir governor’s house as well to declare their victory over Panjsheer.
According to its spokesman, Jabiullah Mujahid, now Taliban is under full control of Afghanistan’s new regime, after capturing Panjshir where the Northern Alliance and National Resistant forces led by Ahmed Masoud and former Vice president of Afghanistan Amarullah Saleh were giving a huge fight to the Taliban and Haqqani Network soldiers the other day and its fighters claiming having killed over 600 Taliban soldiers arresting over one thousand of them.
There are also reports of Pakistan sending its army in support of the Taliban and Haqqani network in Panjsheer.
According to the latest news the Taliban spokesman said that all formal arrangements have been made to form the Tailban government and invitations have been extended to China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, Turkey n Qatar with these governments accepting them formally.
Kindly recall that a fierce fighting is still going on in Panjsheer valley with Northern Alliance and National Resistance Front valiantly fighting the Taliban forces and its allies Haqqani Network backed by Pakistan led by Ahmed Masoud and former VP of Afghanistan Amarulla Saleh.
Yesterday the US General Mark Belley had also, while speaking to Fox news expressed fears that there are chances of a civil war erupting in Afghanistan in view of Armed fierce fighting in Panjshir and bullet injury of the senior leader of Taliban Ahmed Baradar a claimant to become Afghan president by Haqqani terrorist.
Mark Belly said that Afghanistan is bound to again become a breeding ground for global terrorists like Al Queda, ISI, Lashkare Taiyeba and Jaish e Mohammed aided and abetted by Pakistan. Grievously injured Mulkah Baradar is currently in a Pakistan under treatment after being grievously injured.
Meanwhile son of former Northern alliance chief Asad Massoud, Ahmed Massoud discloses that the Pakistan forces and ISI has come in open support of Taliban n Haqqani network in Panjshir.
Meanwhile according to NDTV report the anti Taliban resistance force in Afghanistan’s Panjsheer valley has on Monday vowed to continue their fight against Taliban after its claim for capturing Panjsheer killing several resistance fighters.
The National Resistance front said it was present in strategic positions, across the valley adding ” the struggle against the Talibans and their partners will continue.
On Sunday the senior Congress leader and former under Secretary General in United Nations has in a tweet wrote that news from Panjshir is grim. The ISI and Taliban have swamped the area. My sources doubt the resistance can survive @AmrullahSaleh2 told a friend: I was offered a helicopter flight three hours ago. Refused. Patriotism sans sacrifice doesn’t exists”@kapskom tweeted Tharoor with one Fidato criticizing tweeting in response that when it comes to Pakistan, you would find Shashi Tharoor one step ahead of the Sang Parivar with his preposterous stories.
Featured pic : NDTV