Two social activists beaten by a legislator for highlighting prevailing corruption in Jal Mission project of Ukhand government
The legislator in question is from Purola, Uttarakashi

Two social activists/ whistle blowers Atul and Kuldeep from a village of Purola , Uttarkashi who had highlighted their videos in social media regarding corruption in the Jal Jeewan Mission with works only happening on papers but not on ground zero were allegedly beaten by the legislator of Purola Durgesh Lal who had gone to MLA hostel on his directions when both the men wanted to bring the discrepancies / corruption in Jal Jungle mission with evidence into his knowledge. According to Atul and Kuldeep , both the conscious citizens had to wait for several hours after the incident to register their complaint at Phawaara Chowki police station. Speaking to a reporter of Vijay Path news both Atul and Kuldeep revealed that we have been highlighting several instances of corruption in Purola constituency and the legislator was annoyed with them. When we loaded the video pertaining to the corruption in Jal Mission with no pipelines laid in their village, the annoyed MLA called us to the MLA hostel saying that we will interact there and the issue will be resolved in wider public interest. When we reached at the MLA hostel Durgesh Lal asked them to accompany him in his car and said that they will talk on the way . We agreed as we had no option. While the interaction was going on, while coming back to MLA hostel when he didn’t agreed to resolve the issue we asked them to deboard them from the car but he took us inside and attacked us physically snatching the phone of Atul who has started making the video hitting Kuldeep by his henchmen. While Atul was making the video the MLA pounced on him , snatched his phone having all the records and repeatedly thrashed him while one of his PAs caught hold of him. Thereafter both Atul and Kuldeep came to Phawaara Chowki police station and waited for several hours to get the signature of the receipt. This entire incident was narrated by Atul and Kuldeep to Vijay Path news. Both Kuldeep and Atul also accused the legislator for calling them druggist ( Nasedi) thus hurting their sentiments, urging him to get them medically examined and if found true sent them to jail. They condemned this accusation in strongest possible terms.This is how some of the legislators of Uttarakhand deal with the social activists / whistleblowers who highlight rampant corruption prevailing in various government projects leading to tremendous loss to public exchequer.