Video releasing man eaters ( tigers/ leopards) caught from one location to other location in Uttarakhand by forest department, posing threat to human lives goes viral !

A video these days is going viral in social media, especially whatsapp, must have been shot by someone apart from the forest department officials in which it has been exhibited how the forest personnel ( rangers n guards) cage the man eaters ( tigers, leopards) from one site first and then release them to other localities in jungles, near the villages of other locations, posing further threat to the lives of villagers or residents of local towns.
Usually, the rule says that the man eaters after they are caged or trapped after tranquilizing them, they should be sent to the Zoos instead of releasing them in other locations.
Usually, these carnivores prowl for human flesh in the absence of food reaching the human habitats making them their easy prey.
There have been several such cases of women, men, children falling prey to these dreaded man eaters.
In various districts of Pauri Garhwal, Chamoli, Uttarkashi, Rudraprayag, Nainital, Pithoragarh etc there had been several instances of women becoming targets of man eaters and children / old women lifted and brutally killed by these predators from house compounds or while arranging fodder for domestic animals in nearby jungles etc.
Just yesterday or a day before a woman Lakshmi was brutally killed by a maneater in a rivulet site at Kirtinagar, her mutilated body found in the bushes few meters away from where she was dragged by this carnivore maneater.
When there’s public pressure, these forest officials fit cages at potential places near villages and after the maneater – tigers / leopards are caught they are taken to some other locations , may be some distance away and left in other jungles from where these predators stage a re comeback near human habitats to attack human beings.
These man eaters are so fast that they travel several hundred kilometres changing locations swiftly.
In Uttarakhand while maneater attacks have enhanced tremendously women, children and old aged persons are becoming their easy prey.
The Uttarakhand government has recently increased the financial compensation from Rs. Three lakhs to six lakhs after the cases of wild life attacks especially maneater invasion on human beings increased in interior villages which wasn’t so frequent earlier as is now.