Of late, there is a wider pattern of deteriorating law & order emerging in Uttarakhand. 1245 cases of crime against children, 534 rapes & 208 murders in 2021: NCRB report

The repeated happenings of brutal murders, incidents of dreaded attacks on a minister and police officers by mining mafias, uncontrolled trade of clandestine sale of land holdings on massive scale, widespread illegal mining n its fatal consequences, shady businesses going on in illegal resorts, thousands of spa centres doing massive business n criminals finding Uttarakhand a safe haven and above all the recently exposed massive UKSSSC’s arbitrary recruitment, cheating and leaked paper scam including the Assembly secretariat recruitment scam involving crores of rupees changing hands and several top bureaucrats and more than fifty scamsters coming into STF net, it has become absolutely clear that Uttarakhand has become a land of mafias, once famous for being the land of abode of Gods. According to a renowned social leader of Dehradun n Uttarakhand and founder chief of SDC always awakened and worried for Uttarakhand’s welfare n all round well being Anoop Nautiyal :
Of late, there is a wider pattern of deteriorating law & order emerging in Uttarakhand. Several worrying incidents have recently come to light. Naysayers tend to treat these as one offs. However, threats remain & state govt & Uttarakhand Police need to assuage fears!
Be it the Ankita Bhandari murder, the plot to assassinate Cabinet Minister Saurabh Bahuguna or frequent murders in US Nagar district; these are all manifestations of the expanding mafia culture in Uttarakhand. Most crimes have their roots in land, mining etc commercial disputes.
The state reported 1245 cases of crime against children, 534 cases of rape & 208 murders; the highest among the 9 Himalayan states according to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) report for 2021. Rape, cases against children, promoting enmity were few highlighted categories!
Uttarakhand has always taken pride in being a relatively quiet & crime free region. However; recent happenings are grim markers of the evolving critical situation. While state & its agencies need to be ethical & proactive in exercising powers; society needs counseling & support. This is a grave, identity issue involving the state and people of Uttarakhand!
If one looks at the pre strategic conspiracy hatched to allegedly kill the animal husbandry minister of Uttarakhand in Sitarganj namely Saurabh Bahuguna, son of Uttarakhand’s former CM Vijay Bahuguna , (now all the four hardened criminals behind bars,) due to the minister getting them punished for illegal mining has unambiguously established the fact that not only are the mafias extremely active in Uttarakhand having stretched their arms n legs tremendously the system is also in illegal collaboration with these mafias making them courageous and indispensible. The brutal murder of Ankita Bhandari the the criminal class to the system and several kingpins of massive recruitment scam important part of the bureaucracy including Hakam Singh being in the ruling party including conspiracy of the minister hatched inside prison are not the good signs of Uttarakhand’s prosperous future. These severe demerits n drawbacks in our system warrant immediate attention to clean the system at the earliest and with complete integrity n transparency.