Shannon arrested by FBI for a life threatening post against US president Donald Trump

The FBI has arrested a person named Shannon Atkins for writing threatening posts in social media. According to the Voice of America on X : Shannon Depararro Atkins of Florida, who threatened to kill Donald Trump on social media, has been arrested. This arrest was made on the basis of information received from the FBI. 46-year-old Atkins had made several threatening posts on social media, in which he had targeted President Trump. Shannon Atkins had written in a Facebook post a day before Trump’s swearing-in, “Only one bullet is needed to save America.” Police said that this post became the main reason for Atkins’ arrest.
The threatening post on social media a day before the swearing in of the 45 th and 47 th president of America Donald Trump has created quote a flutter in the top government security agencies. Shannon was nabbed by the FBI on near Pam Beach at Florida on Friday. During his arrest he was carrying three bags of Cocaine drugs. This case is definitely a huge challenge and matter of immense worry for the top secret service of US and FBI as there had been last year too few life unsuccessful threatening attempts on Donald Trump.
In view of the latest life threatening post for US president on social media by Shannon and earlier two unsuccessful attempts the secret service of US and FBI are on high alert mode. Shannon Atkins claimed that he was joking about his social media post, but West Palm Beach Police Chief Tony Araujo said, “This is not a joke. During these days jokes about life threatening talks can be dangerous.
The police also went through the other social media posts of Shannon and one of the post mentioned : The history repeats itself and in out country there haven’t been any murder for the last so many years wrote Shannon in one of his earlier posts. Moreover, after Shannon’s arrest with three bags/ packets of drugs and his threatening post against the US president makes charges against him more stringent anc non bailable.
These crimes are of second degree. Now the ball is in the court of the secret service and it remains tk be seen what stringent charges are levelled against him. This incident has made it clear that violent or threatening posts on social media cannot be taken lightly.
The FBI and the Secret Service are constantly vigilant about Donald Trump’s security and strict action is being taken in such cases.
It remains to be seen what further steps are taken against Atkins and whether he will be tried in federal court.