Goldsmith fooled by thugs giving him Rs. 1 crore 90 lakhs having pictures of Anupam Kher instead of Mahatma Gandhi against 2100 grams Gold

A very interesting case of thugs came to light in the bullion market of Ahmedabad, Gujarat when the fraudsters fooled the goldsmith by paying him fake Rs. One crore 90 lakhs in lieu of buying gold weighing 2100 grams. May be the initial note pads may be real but when the goldsmith opened the rest of the majority note pads he was shocked to find the new notes having the pictures of Bollywood actor Anupam Kher printed on them instead of the picture of father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi as published in 500 Rupees notes. The police was immediately informed about this massive fraud and the entire police machinery has been involved in the investigation to nab the culprits. According to the news posted by NDTV on X under the title : Anupam Kher’s photo instead of Mahatma Gandhi on the note it is written that a strange case of fraud of crores of rupees has come to light in the bullion market of Ahmedabad in Gujarat. Here some thugs absconded with 2100 grams of gold worth Rs 1 crore 90 lakh. The notes given by these thugs to the were fake, on which the photo of Bollywood actor Anupam Kher was printed. The goldsmiths were shocked to see these notes. The shocked bullion merchant informed the police about the massive fraud which immediately started the investigation to catch the accused. A video was also posted with the fake notes having the photos of actor Anupam Kher’s photo on X.