CDS Rawat was Son in Law of Kunwar of Shehdol, MP. Wife Madulika was dedicated to the welfare of martyrs families n widows

Madhulika Singh Rawat, the late wife of late former General of Indian Army and CDS Bipin Lakshman Singh Rawat was a daughter of the prince of Shehdol, Madhya Pradesh both of whom have succumbed to the deadly chopper crash in Neelgiri hills of Tamilnadu on Wednesday along with 11 Army officers and staff, sending the entire nation in immense anguish.
The president of the Army Wives Welfare Association dedicatedly involved in the welfare and well-being of the bereaved families of the martyred soldiers of Defence services graceful Madhulika Singh was the only affectionate daughter of of the prince of Shehdol district’s Garhi Sauhagpur, Kunwar Mrigendra Singh from Madhya Pradesh.
Having been honoured with the coveted President award and a postage stamp released in her name in Bhutan, a rare honour by a foreign country, Madhulika Singh Rawat was a social activist interested in weaving and stitching, rendering training to women and also incessantly involved in the empowerment of the wives of Army martyrs, India Army soldiers’ welfare as well as in skill development activities in her capacity of being the president of the largest NGO India Army Wives Welfare Association.
Educated in Scindia Girls School in Gwalior and graduated in psychology from Delhi University , a women with affable nature, walking shoulder to shoulder with her husband always, Madhulika Singh Rawat was the only sister of two brothers having acknowledged tremendous love and affection as a LAADLI BAHAN married to CDS Rawat in 1985.
A mother of two daughters elder Kritika based in Mumbai and younger Tanu, the later was at her Delhi house when the deadliest tragedy occured while her ( Madhulika’s ) brother Yashwardhan Singh was in Madhya Pradesh who rushed to Delhi hearing the tragic news.
Late CDS Bipin Rawat’s father was also the three star general ( Lt General) and his, entire family is from Indian Army having served the nation since long. Father being general Rawat’s immense source of strength and jnspiration, his mother was from Uttarkashi, Garhwal whose father was the then lawmaker ( MLA) namely Kishan Singh Parmar.
Having gained entry in Indian Army via NDA and IMA Dehradun after studying in Shimla and Dehradun a highly outstanding and exceptional officer General Rawat joined Indian Army in 1978 never to look back again, thereafter completing his doctorate from Meerut in Military Media Strategic Studies, being decorated as the Indian Army chief of the largest democracy on 16 December 2016 and finally the first CDS in 1st January, 2020.
Always driven by his own convictions General Rawat took strong and outstanding decisions even if they were not popular and invited criticism. A strong proponent of modernisation of defence services and production giving it a new impetus CDS Rawat was a shining example of taking the defense sector from best to outstanding and to more towering heights. A general and then chief of defence services with exceptionally outstanding track record Bipin Rawat was an officer of convictions who wanted to bring a revolutionary change in Indian Army n defence Forces making it one of the best in the world.
While President, Vice President, prime minister, all union ministers and dignitaries from a wide spectrum lauded him as an incomparable and unparalleled officer of highest ranking, spirits, capabilities and vision the entire nation of 135 crores Indians are anguished on his, his wife’s and eleven other valiant officers n soldiers who were martyred in Neel giri hills, Tamilnadu yesterday sending shock waves a around.
Meanwhile the Congress’s interim president Sonia Gandhi is not celebrating her birthday today and has strictly prohibited the celebrations on 9 th December on acount of the untimely demise of CDS, Vipin Rawat, his wife Madhulika Singh Rawat and 11 officers n personnel of India Army at he Neel Giri hills at Cunoor yesterday. In his tweet yesterday, the general secretary of AICC K. Venugopal wrote : Hon’ble Congress president has decided not to celebrate her birthday, on 9 th December, urging party workers and supporters to strictly avoid any celebrations.
CDS Rawat was highly competent General and was an strict observer of discipline. He had high calibre and had high integriry with complete patriotic qualities. Fully devoted to nation and was an excellent team leader. His courageous and fearless sense of duty was the bone of contention to the nation’s enemies.
County has lost a great pariot and a fearless soldier who was terror to country’s enemies.
First CDS of the country was from Uttarakhand and this fact was a pride sense for Uttarkhandies.
Deeply mourned. Heartfelt condolences to his daughters.
May his soul, his wife’s soul and the soul of all other brave soldiers rest in peace. ओम शांति शान्ति शांति
We salute both of them!