A cricketer turned Income Tax Inspector saves the lives of several passengers of DTC bus today by forcibly breaking the locked door bringing out around 50 passengers safely .

A former Cricketer, Indian Cricket Wicketkeeper, currently associated as one of the members of the selection committee of Delhi Cricket working as Income Tax Inspector posted at ITO headquarter Mohan Chaturvedi has shown extraordinary intelligence and courage and saved the lives of around 50 passengers ( as per his information) in the morning hours who were travelling in a Red Line Bus stuck at ITO near the Income Tax headquarter due to some fault. According to the information furnished by former Indian Cricketer Mohan Chaturvedi on 23 rd July as per his daily routine , he reached his ITO income tax office at 8.30 AM. While he was entering his office he saw oil oozing out from the back portion of the DTC including the toxic fumes in excess. There were around fifty passengers inside the air-conditioned red DTC bus crying for help in suffocation. The terrified passengers inside the bus were making noise in apprehension fiercely but the gates were automatically locked. One can just imagine what could have been the condition of the terrified passengers inside a stationed faulty bus in such a humidity hot environment with nobody there to help them in the morning hours. The badly terrified passengers were trying hard to bang and open the automatically locked doors from inside but almost in vain. The onlookers were mere spectators with no one coming forward. There were hardly two persons in the road just watching them but not coming forward to rescue them. The cricketer Mohan Chaturvedi meanwhile without wasting a single moment swung into action. He started trying to open the door but could not succeed initially. He didn’t gave up but continued hitting the door with full force with his legs n hands finally being successful in opening the door by literally breaking them. As soon as the gate of the bus opened narrowly all the desperate terrified passengers came out safely , one by one badly perspiring and in shock praying to Almighty for getting the safety exit and went to their respective destination. Cricketer Mohan Chaturvedi too went inside the ITO Gate to mark his presence in his office. It is believed that after some time the bus caught minute fire. But God willing by the brave and courageous efforts of cricketer turned Inspector of Income Tax Mohan Chaturvedi the lives of fifty to sixty passengers could be saved. On reaching office when his senior officer chief Income Tax Commissioner Ashok Pandey came to know of this courageous feat of Mohan Chaturvedi saving the lives of fifty to sixty passengers by timely using his intelligence and courage and not giving up till the door of bus was broken n passengers brought out one by one, he thanked and congratulated him heartily. Had the cricketer turned ITO not exhibited his bravery and intervened timely this tragedy would not have been averted for sure .We welcome such bravehearts, Salutes to Chaturvedi, and message to all to imbibe his bravery to help others in need in the future.

आज 23जुलाई,2024 की सुबह 8.30 बजे , मैं रोज की तरह अपने आईटीओ दिल्ली स्थित इनकम टैक्स ऑफिस पहुंचा। वहां मैने ऑफिस के Enter वाले गेट के सामने एक डीटीसी बस में पीछे की तरफ ऑयल निकलते और उसमें दम घोटूं धुआं निकलते देखा । बस में करीब 50- 60 यात्री थे।बस के अंदर दम घुटने से लोगों की चीख पुकार मची थी।
बस का दरवाजा लॉक हो गया था इस लिए बस के अंदर के लोगों से लाख कोशिश के बाद भी दरवाजा खुल नहीं रहा था।
रोड पर एक दो इंसान थे जो केवल तमाशा देख रहे थे।
मैने बिना समय नष्ट किए बस के बाहर से दरवाजे को खोलने/ तोड़ने के लिए अपना पूरा दम लगा दिया।
मेरे कृष्ण मेरे मोहन ने इस नेक काम में अपनी ताकत भी मुझे दे दी और थोड़े अधिक प्रयास से बस का गेट समय रहते टूट गया।
सभी यात्री सुरक्षित बाहर निकल गए।
मैं भी चुपचाप अपने कृष्ण का आभार प्रकट कर वहां से अपने इनकम टैक्स ऑफिस में प्रवेश कर गया।
शायद थोड़ी ही देर में बस में आग लग गई थी
🙏 श्री कृष्णम शरणम मम🙏
मोहन चतुर्वेदी
Former Indian Wicketkeeper
Chairman Selector of Delhi Cricket
Income Tax Inspector ( Statement of the spacious Mohan Chaturvedi)