Wake up, plant and save trees on massive scale, should be the only message of the day

When the temperature is crossing fifty, fifty two degree Celcius making the lives of the Delhi, NCR n adjoining states a hell with stray dogs and even human beings literally dying of extreme dehydration and heat waves , in Pauri Garhwal Uttarakhand during the noon the temperature is usually 24, 25 degree Celcius , may go little up or little down. During the evening it comes down to 20 degree celcius. Situated at the height of 1,765 metres above sea level the life in Pauri is soothing , serene and extremely pleasant with fans even kept on no use mode surrounded by lush green trees and fresh air emanating from them. Just imagine the hell of a difference between 52 degree Celcius and 25% Celcius or may little up or down. This is the first summer season when the temperature of the national capital has surged to above fifty, 52 degree Celcius which used to be in some cities of Rajasthan like Jaisalmer and Udaipur etc earlier. Even in the state capital of Uttarakhand the temperature has crossed 42 degrees Celcius. We attribute to this surge to global warming and that’s absolutely true as well. Delhi, NCR and even cities of Uttarakhand have become concrete jungles of high skyscrapers with trees and greenery almost disappeared/ dissipated. There are lakhs and lakhs of air conditioners in millions of houses with carbon dioxide emissions tremendous. According to the recent revelation in India keeping in view the prevailing heat waves and surging temperatures making people’s lives literally a hell , every man should plant at least 411 trees. Not only has the national capital broken all previous records in terms of escalating high temperature reaching 52 degrees Celcius , the power demand which was mere 2800 Megawatts in the national capital, Delhi two decades ago has today crossed the highest i.e. 8300 megawatt, almost a three times surge. The government of the day will have to take into confidence various social groups, NGOs, different departments including common people and devise a policy to put immediate ban, at least for the time being on building concrete jungles and formulate a policy , literally making it a movement at the centre and state levels to plant and nourish millions of trees with people’s participation on a wide scale. This is the only and sole remedy to effectively counter the increasing climate change that will help not only to clog rain water on massive scale but will also become our real life givers by emitting maximum oxygen making environment green, healthy and totally oxygenated with fresh air, this bringing the surging life taking temperatures down considerably. There should to complete ban on cutting of trees n deforestation and save the plants, trees n plant them on massive scale should the the sole policy n motto of the government along with various NGOs on a mass scale starting the movement from the decentralised levels to the top. The builders of skyscrapers n commercial buildings should be bound legally to plant maximum number of trees in the area of construction to compensate for the environmental loss and ensure maximum greenery keeping the plated trees nourishing ti they fully grow. Neem is the most beneficial tree for human lives as it can tolerate temperatures ranging from 55°C to 100°C. Just one 12 feet tree produces as much cooling as 3 AC air conditioners. Trees are life. Trees are our invaluable valuable assets. Plant a tree. Save life. Make it easy for you as well as other creatures !