Tributes to the former PM Rajiv Gandhi. Kaka got the shocking news when he was at a marriage function

I can’t forget the night of 21 st May, the day the former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi was brutally assassinated at Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu at 10.10 PM sending shock waves all over the country. Me and my entire family, as were the countrymen in deep shock, as it was on this night that Kaka got the anguishing news in the marriage celebration of my younger brother in Rama Krishna Puram where Superstar of the millenium who was then the Congress candidate from New Delhi parliamentary constituency Rajesh Khanna was present.
A day before, the polling had ended and Kaka looked quite relaxed after the hectic campaigning of several days against the BJP heavy weight Lal Krishna Advani. When Kaka came to my brother’s marriage reception at Sector 2, R. K. Puram at around 9.45 PM, the guests who were busy enjoying the dinner suddenly left their food plates and rushed towards their super star who they always saw in silver screen, never thought of ever seeing or meeting him. Actually, I hadn’t disclosed to anyone that Kaka is coming to the marriage reception thinking that if he did not come, my position will be at stake.
But Kaka surprised and shocked everyone. Women, youngsters n even senior citizens literary rushed towards him in extreme curiosity to have his glimpse. Me too was stumbled alongwith Kaka in this mad rush of fans inside the marriage tent in desperation. Kaka while clearing his way said where are the bride n bridegroom. I want to meet and congratulate them. He proceeded towards them and greeted both. He posed for a photograph as well.
But by the time Kaka was trying to settle himself in this mad rush likely to sit, one of his security personal came rushing to inform him that former PM Rajiv Gandhi has been assassinated in South, sending shock waves around, with Rajesh Khanna stunned holding his palms against his head saying Oh God, have lost my God father.
He without even having a single morsel of food, immediately rushed back to 10 Janpath. Anguished Kaka was at Teen Murthy the whole next day with his mentor’s coffin till Rajivji was confined to flames.
Kaka was indeed shocked n speechless on this massive loss of a mass leader and his lone n sole mentor.
It may be recalled Kaka met Rajiv Gandhi just a day before on 21st May, 1991 when the former prime minister n his wife Sonia Gandhi had come to Health ministry building polling station near Vigyan Bhawan to cast his vote to proceed for Oddissa and fateful Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu the same day, not at all having a minutest of premonition about his fateful tragic end.
I vividly remember that on 21st May, I accompanied Rajesh Khanna early morning at 7.00 AM from Som Vihar, R. K. Puram where Kaka was living in a flat of renowned beauty specialist, entrepreneur n founder of Vandana Luthra Curls n Curves, to the polling booth opposite Meena Bagh, health ministry building near Vigyan Bhawan.
It is just a stone’s throw from 10 Janpath where Rajivji lived. Mr. R.K. Dhawan former Spl. Assistant to Indira Gandhi n union minister was also there to receive them with Kaka n me.
As soon as Rajiv and Sonia arrived with security both of them were received by Kaka and R.K. Dhawan and with an ARTI THALI by two women of Sewa Dal perhaps falling down abruptly when she tried to apply vermilion ( teeka ) on his forehead, with Sonia Gandhi visibly disturbed for a while, considering this to be a bad omen.
Smiling Rajivji however brought her back to composure saying nothing bad would happened ? But is some newspapers it was mentioned as “bad Omen” the other day. However, Rajiv and Sonia proceeded further and entered the building mobbed by hundreds of photographers clicking pictures. Rajiv and Sonia followed by Dhawan and Kakaji went in to cast their vote.
This picture is termed as historic that appeared on the front pages of all the newspapers the other day with Kaka at the centre and both Rajiv and Sonia alongside.
Kaka had afterwards through my efforts secured the negative of this picture and placed the well decorated framed picture with beautiful border at his Ashirvad bungalow’s drawing room which is non existent today, converted into a multistorey building by Shetty brothers of Dubai who bought it for Rs. 90 crores say news reports.
After the voting Rajivji alongwith Sonia straightway went to Airport driving himself with Sonia Gandhi coming back to ten Janpath bidding her final adieu to her husband, completely unaware of the brutal tragedy in store.
The next day on 21st May the beloved leader of the masses was brutally assassinated sending shock waves across the country and the world. My richest heartfelt tributes on Rajivji’s 30 th death anniversary.