40 to 60 persons untraceable, buried under landslide rubble in Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh

There is an extremely tragic news coming in from Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh where a bus with passengers, truck and few vehicles have been buried under the massive rubble with forty to sixty persons allegedly feared dead. There are news reports of about two passengers buses beneath the massive rubble of the landslides. The area where this tragedy occurred in within the parameter of two hundred metres in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh. There is apprehension that the bus with thirty passengers might have gone several metres downwards inside the Gorge as it is not traceable till yet. There is a news of about 40 to 60 people buried under the rubble or having fallen several hundreds metres down in a gorge. Till now, there is no trace of them despite the ITBP and disaster management teams busy in the rescue operation. So far nine persons have been rescued with one dead body recovered. The falling of huge boulders due to landslide were so dangerous that it swept away even the buses along with it as the bus has not been traced.
According to the chief minister of Himachal Pradesh Jairam Thakur the rescue operation is going on full swing by the ITBP n DMA rescue teams but the falling stones and boulders are creating bottlenecks in the rescue works.
This is a greatest tragedy during this monsoon with reports of alleged 40 to 60 persons feared dead under the landslide rubble as per the latest news pouring in.
The NDRF and ITBP are continuing their rescue operation having so far been successful to rescue only 9 persons with a dead body.
It may be recalled that in the recent past there had been two tragedies in Kinnaur and Sirmaur districts where landslides resulted in over 11 casualties due to landslides in Sanga valley and Sirmaur which also included a young girl and winner of Kaun Banega Crorepati namely Dr. Deepa Sharma.
Featured pic: The tribune
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