Taslima Nasreen tweets: People are saying let’s see what was the motive behind the attack on Rushdie before making any comment. I am shocked!

The noted Bangladesh Swedish author, feminist, critics and an activist Taslima Nasreen living in New Delhi under official refuge in India having been banished and ousted from Bangladesh for her banned books has come out openly in support of the injured author Salman Rushdie who was repeatedly stabbed in a New York auditorium while addressing a large gathering yesterday. Salman Rushdie author of his controversial book “The Satanic Verses”, is facing a threat of death ordered through a fatwa by Iran’s religious leader Ayotollah Khomeini and is currently living in New York for the past twenty years. Winner of prestigious “Bookers Prize”, Salman Rushdie is a British writer who was born in June 19, 1947. Salman is in hospital being treated, having undergone surgery of the neck n abdomen probably. A stranger who had been caught by the police at the venue had inflicted twelve wounds on him said the Reuters. Reacting to the attack on 75 years old Salman Rushdie , Tasleema Nasreen in her latest tweet said today : Islam must not be exempted from critical scrutiny that applies to other religions. Islam must go through an enlightenment process by questioning inhuman, unequal, unscientific n irrational aspects of the religion. Tagging with#FreeSpeech she tweeted.

In her earlier tweet on Friday Tasleema tweeted that she was shocked after learning about Salman Rushdie being attacked in New York. I am really shocked she added saying further that she never thought it would happen to him ever as he was protected while living in the West since 1989. I am worried she added – as anyone against Islam can be attacked tweeted Taslima. Taslima in another tweet said : People are saying let’s see what was the motive behind the attack on Rushdie before making comment. It is very hard to speculate that an islamist tried to kill him as he was the target of Islamists. What would they say if it comes out that the attacker was an islamist. Oh no he is not a true Muslim tweeted Taslima Nasreen. Kindly recall that after being banished from Bangladesh Taslima Nasreen is the author of several books viz Lajja, Amar Mayebela, Dwikhandito, Nishiddha, Shodh , French Lover, Nimantrana, Nirbhachito Column, Phera, Shame A Novel and My Childhood : An autobiography written between 1993 to 2021. After being blacklisted and banished from Bangladesh facing death threats she lived in Europe n US for a decade finally shifting to India in 2004. However, she was banished from here in 2008. Later on she was allowed to stay in New Delhi on a long term resident permit or multi x visa since the year 2004.
Well said by Tasalima Nasreen.