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Sushmita Dev resigns as national Mahila Congress chief n from party. Joins TMC

The president of All India Mahila Congress and daughter of the former union minister Sushmita Dev primarily hailing from Silchar Assam has resigned from her post and left Congress party sending a demoralising signal among Congress workers and leaders. Sushmita’s name had recently appeared among the several Congress leaders whose Twitter acount was closed by the Twitter management. Daughter of a veteran Congress leader and former union minister n Mahila Congress chief Sushmita Dev had earlier represented as Lok Sabha MO from Silchar Assam. In a letter addressed to Congress interim chief Sonia Gandhi, Sushmita Sen said that she is resigning to start a new chapter in public social service but later on a news appeared about her joining Trinamool Congress and heartily welcomed by Abhishek Banerjee, nephew of West Bengal chief minister and general secretary of TMC. Daughter of a severe term MP and union minister Santosh Mohan Dev, Sushmita was warmly welcomed in Trinamool family said a TMC tweet. Sushmita Dev was considered as a face of the Congress in Assam especially in Bengali speaking Barak valley and her leaving the Congress party is indeed a huge blow for it, especially when prominent leaders like late Madhav Rai Scindia’s son Jyotiraditya, and Jitin Prasad, son of late Jitendra Prasad had left Congress with Rajasthan already in a tug of war between the CM Adhik Gehlot and Mr. Pilot. In Punjab to the tussle between its CM Capt Amrinder Singh and state President Navjyot Singh Sidhu is going on, being hyped in media, despite Congress chief Sonia n Rahul Gandhi’s intervention. Not only this but a rebel leader and part of G23 had recently hosted a dinner party inviting several opposition leaders sending an unambiguous signal of party being allegedly on a division mode. Several G 23 leaders had also participated in this Kapil Sibal dinner diplomacy meeting, ultimately compelling Sonia Gandhi to arrange a similar dinner diplomacy on 20 th August. In a tweet rebel Congress leader Kapil Sibal wrote : Sushmita Sen resigns from the primary membership of our party. While young leaders leave, we oldies are blamed for our efforts to strengthen it. The party moves on with wide eyes shut tweeted Kapil Sibal.

in another tweet of ANI chief spokesman of Congress party Randeep Singh Surjewala wrote : I tried speaking with Sushmita Dev, her phone was off. She was a dedicated Congress worker and perhaps is even today. Congress president Sonia Gandhi has not received any letter from her. She is mature enough to take her decisions, can’t comment until I speak with her : Randeep Singh Surjewala.

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