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Supreme Court turns down the petition of 228 terminated employee of Uttarakhand Assembly. Uttarakhand speaker welcomes the apex Court’s action !

The 228 petitioners against their terminated services in Uttarakhand Assembly first by the committee constituted by the Uttarakhand, Speaker Ritu Khanduri and then by the Uttarakhand High Court go a great setback when the Supreme Court dismissed their petition. These sufferer petitioners had approached the apex Court to turn down the Uttarakhand high Court decision but got a rebuff after the supreme Court turned down their petition. It may be recalled that the services of about 228 persons appointed arbitrarily on various posts in Uttarakhand assembly earlier on contractual basis and later on regularised were terminated later on this year when there was tremendous hue and cry regarding their arbitrary appointments during the tenure of former speakers Govind Singh Kunjwal and Prem Aggrawal. Some of the sons and daughters n immediate relatives of these former speakers were also obliged through these arbitrary out of turn appointments. Meanwhile the Uttarakhand Kranti Dal has taken a serious view of these terminations blaming the present speaker for being partial about the appointments in Uttarakhand Assembly raising objections that if the appointees after 2016 we’re terminated from their services why no action has been taken against those appointed arbitrarily from 2002 till 2016 during the tenure of earlier Uttarakhand assembly speakers. The Uttarakhand, Assembly speaker while divulging this information has whole heartedly welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court by dismissing the petition of 228 persons appointed in Uttarakhand assembly from backdoor arbitrarily with two former speakers favouring them n their immediate relatives and sons, daughters n daughters in law etc.

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