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Strict anti drug operation by Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand police in Bareilly with several alleged drug mafias/ peddlers arrested

The Uttarakhand police has become extremely active in raiding various locations of Uttarakhand and outside the state where possibilities of drug prevalence has been found.

Various complaints are coming about drug menace rapidly spreading in some locations of the Himalayan state adversely impacting the lives of the youngsters.

As a result the police department of Uttarakhand has expedited its efforts to raid such dens of illicit drugs and nab the culprits.

According to the Bareilly police the Udham Singh Nagar ( Uttarakhand police) has raided several houses of the suspects under the jurisdiction of Police station Fatehganj , West in Uttarakhand, arrested over 16 persons under suspicion of thei involvement in drug peddling but have released 15 of them and arrested only one suspect as there was no FIR against the fifteen arrested youths except one against whom FIR was registered. This operation was initiated by the Uttam Nagar SSP Manikant Mishra and his team with Bareilly police extending their possible support in the high profile operation.

According to the press note issued in Hindi by the Bareilly police during the last five years they have registered FIRs against 1357 drug criminals under the ( Narcotrphic Drugs and psycotrop NDPS act and arrested around 1500 culprits sending them to jail.Our of the 1500 culprits 200 have been sent to jails registering 176 cases against them. Maximum of them are under the jurisdiction of Thana Fatehganj West. The Bareilly Police have confiscated the moveable n immovable properties of Rs 116 crores of the drug mafias till now. This year the Bareilly police has registered 51 cases under NDPS against these drug criminals and send 103 persons in jail. The press relese in Hindi can be read for detailed information.

According to another news report the Uttarakhand police has executed a big surgical strike against the illicit drug trade in Uttarakhand.

The Uttarakhand Udham Singh Nagar district’s SP Manikant Mishra led this mission with three hundred policemen and raised various houses in Uttarakhand Pradesh’s West Fatehganj areas and arrested around twenty five alleged drug peddlers etc.

The mission/ operation lasted for the entire night with the SP Mishra leading them which continued till morning.

This hectic mission raiding the various locations of the drug peddlers created quite a panic among the local populace.

Several drug mafias are believed to have been arrested during this sudden raid which was extremely secret to avoid the possible leaks from the internal sources of the police.

Kindly recall that the Uttarakhand police has commenced this special mission against the drug peddlers and mafia since the last month after the arrest of certain drug mafias after encounter.

The senior officers of Uttarakhand police involved in this operation with SSP Manikant Mishra were SP Niharika Tomar , SP City Rudrapur, SP Kashipur including several other senior officers. The arrested drug peddlers / mafias have given several important information about their links with the drug smugglers of several states of Northern India.

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