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State Congress’s 3 day convention for assembly election preparation at Rishikesh from 3 rd to 5 th August to prove game changer

The main opposition party in Uttarakhand, Congress and its leaders have tightened their belts and seem to be making every possible effort to show ruling BJP the door, in the forthcoming elections, scheduled for March, April 2022.

The morale of the party leaders and the rank and file is on the top with several surveys giving the party a lead of more than forty seats with the former chief minister Harish Rawat being rated as the single most popular choice of the people.

The worst party to be, in these elections, is the ruling BJP say some surveys carried out by few news channels at the grass roots with the saffron party likely to gain merely 17 to twenty seats n a new political entrant AAP scoring the third position with BSP too gaining two to four seats.

However, surveys in the past have also been flopped but in some cases their predictions proved quite accurate as well.

Meanwhile, despite internal wrangling in the party, Congress is holding a three days hectic convention prior to the assembly election in order to revive the energy among its leaders and rank n file, by recharging them, to be fully prepared for the forthcoming elections.

The three day convention to be commenced on 3 rd of August would continue till 5 th August.

All the party workers and leaders right from the Punchayat, block to district levels including leaders n workers of frontal organisations, Youth Congress, Sewa Dal, NSUI n members of state executive n all office bearers have been called to attend this convention likely to be hectic which may probably see the confrontation between the former state chief Harish Rawat and the outgoing party chief n present leader of the opposition Pritam Singh Camp.

The veteran leaders Harish Rawat, Pritam Singh, present chief Ganesh Godiyal, MP Pradeep Tamata, all office bearers including chiefs n members of all committees n above all the state Congress incharge Devendra Yadav etc will participate in this three days convention.

According to sources on the first day of the convention, the senior leaders will seek feed back from all the organisational committees, one by one about the possibility of party’s victory and the necessary preparations to be made to counter BJP.

On the second day, all the frontal organisations n state committee office bearers would deliberate in a meeting and arrive at the decision about election preparations.

On the concluding day, 5 th August, a cumulative strategy in connection with the assembly election would be given a concrete shape etc.

It may be recalled that recently, there had been change in party leadership in the state with the outgoing state organisational chief Pritam Singh appointed as leader of the opposition and former Srinagar lawmaker, (a Harish Rawat protege) Ganesh Godiyal made the new state chief with the reorganisation of new election committee as well in which Harish Rawat was nominated as the chief of the state election campaign committee, giving him an unambiguous opportunity to project himself as the chief minister of the state, though unofficially.

above featured photo News 18, hindi

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