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State Congress chief Pritam Singh reaches Delhi after freebies announced by Arvind Kejriwal and Harak Singh Rawat for Uttarakhand’s electricity consumers

The Uttarakhand Congress president Pritam Singh Rawat has reached Delhi and ten other senior leaders too have arrived here after being called by the national secretary and Uttarakhand Congress incharge Devendra Yadav especially after the Uttarakhand power minister Dr. Harak Singh and Delhi CM and national AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal announcing freebies on monthly electricity bills etc before the assembly elections due for April 2022.

The Congress party finds itself in jeopardy after both the parties announcing freebies keeping it on back foot. Meanwhile the Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami has also returned back to Dehradun after his three day visit to Delhi meeting prime minister, Home minister, environment minister and Maharashtra governor Bhagat Singh Koshiyari discussing with them pivotal Kaanvad Yatra and seeking environment clearences on various road projects of Uttarakhand.

The new Uttarakhand Congress chief’s nomination and selecting the opposition leader in the assembly, after the death of veteran leader Dr. Indira Hridayesh including Congress party’s new strategy to cope with the latest political situation after the announcement of freebies on electricity tarrifs by its opponents will also be discussed in this important meeting.

There are also reports though unconfirmed that certain Uttarakhand Congress leaders have met the Congress chief Sonia and Rahul Gandhi but the details of what was confabulated during this meeting and conclusion therein is not known.

Meanwhile, the former AICC member and vice chairman of Protection of Child Rights Commission in Uttarakhand during Congress regime Yogendra Khanduri has written a letter to the high command to elect the new president of the state and the new opposition leader at the earliest to clear the confusion before the assembly elections so that the BJP is countered effectively.

Earlier, the Congress chief, Uttarakhand Pritam Singh had at his residence while speaking to mediamen, clarified catagorically that the elections of 2022 will be fought unitedly under the collective leadership with the chief minister election taking place after the assembly polls if it secures the sizeable majority.

The former Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat had been demanding declaration of the prospective CM face and name, before the elections so that he or she can be projected as the incoming Congress CM fighting the assembly polls under his/ her leadership.

But the central High command has not given any impetus to Harish Rawat’s demand regarding declaring the name of the prospective CM with the central Congress observer and incharge Devendra Yadav favouring the collective leadership formula than siding with Harish Rawat’s demand.

Finding itself in the backfoot the Congress party leaders have convened the meeting in Delhi in which the party president Pritam Singh, veteran leader Harish Rawat eying on the CM’s seat and several other state leaders have been summoned on Monday, urgently.

On the recent freebies announcement on electricity monthly tarriffs Pritam Singh has ridiculed these as mere rhetoric saying that the state Congress is analysing the situation in depth and would take any incredible decision after arriving at unanimity on various burning issues of the state including the issues pertaining to power concessions etc. He questioned what has happened to the rhetoris of prime minister bringing back black money from foreign banks, giving two crire jobs annually, depositing 15 lakh rupeees in the bank accounts of countrymen and bringing down inflation etc after ruling for the second term since 2014.

There are speculations of declaration of the opposition leader of the assembly and the state party chief in this meeting but chances of the present state Congress president continuing are quite assured.

However, the Harish Rawat faction considering the current president Pritam Singh as their leader’s detractor are trying hard to change him so thag maximum candidates of their choice are given the party tickets in the ensuing state polls to pave the way for his becoming the next CM of Uttarakhand.

Pic : Zee news

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