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A leading and iconic sports journalist, former sports editor, UNI, commentator on sports in various TV channel debates and a renowned columnist for decades Harpal Singh Bedi has passed away after prolonged illness. A thorough gentleman but keeping everyone laughable with his jokes and humourous behaviour Harpal Singh Bedi will always be remembered not only as a stalwart in sports journalism having tremendous experience to cover and write authoritatively on sports for several decades he was a gem of a person too who would keep the journalist fraternity always laughing by his jolly behaviour.

Senior journalist and a three decades old friend , the two terms PCI president Umakant Lakhera while expressing his deepest condolences on the sad demise of Harpal Singh Bedi wrote on his social media handle :

Harpal Singh Bedi, a well-known name of sports journalism in the country, is no more. I was introduced to him about three decades ago and maintained a close relationship. One could never get bored with him. It was his nature to entertain his friends and colleagues all the time and make them laugh. His absence will always be missed in Delhi and sports journalism. Heartfelt tribute! wrote Umakant Lakhera.

Numerous condolence messages are pouring in on social media handles X of his friends n colleagues after learning about the sad demise of Harpal Singh Bedi.

One of his close friends n senior journalist Vijay Lokapally wrote : Veteran Sports journalist Harpal Singh Bedi passed away this morning. The most colourful and vibrant sports journalist, I’ve ever met. A friend from 1983 ……A giant of the profession….SAD DAY wrote Lokapally while paying his respectful tributes. His another friend Kunal Prashant wrote : Gutted to hear about the passing of Harpal Singh Bedi , sports journalism icon and the most vibrant person , you could ever meet – warm , mischievous , a created and realtor of anecdotes and … wrote Kunal while paying his heartfelt tributes.

The Press Club of India also expressed its deepest condolences on the sudden passing away of renowned sports journalist Harpal Singh Bedi . It wrote on X : We are shocked and dismayed over the demise of Veteran journalist and former sports editor of @uniindianews, Harpal Singh Bedi. He was a regular visitor to the Press Club of India. May God give strength to the family & friends to bear the irreparable loss.

Senior journalist Sanjeev Acharya while paying his tributes to iconic sports journalist H.S Bedi expressed his views in Hindi as such :

Everyone got separated one by one.

Sad demise of the country’s senior sports journalist Harpal Singh Bedi.
I was acquainted with Bedi ji since I started going to the Press Club in Delhi in the 90s.
Cheerful, friendly, fun-loving, Bedi Saheb was dear to everyone.
Salute to his sweet memories wrote Sanjeev.

According to the former IPS and former DGP Kerala Police, an alumni of JNU , junior to Harpal Singh Bedi, K.S.Jangpangi : The death of Sports Journalist Harpal Singh Bedi is very sad. He was my contemporary in JNU. Maybe he was senior by a year or two in JNU. He was a very jovial and open hearted person. He could say what he wished without fear or favour. I met him a few occasions after I left JNU. But I used to see him in TV shows once in a while. His death is a great loss to all those who knew him. My heartfelt condolences to his family members and pray for eternal peace to him. Om Shanti!

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