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Sorry Honey! we are selling Honey now

Amitabh Srivastava
The medical and pharma fraternity has not been treating us like Guinea Pigs only since the Pandemic.
They have been giving diffrent opinions and advise to gullible patients since at least two decades.
I know that for sure because when I had a by-pass surgery in 2001 my friends and relatives attending me at Escorts were told never to give me nuts as it would aggravate my condition and create blockage in my veins. Our relatives went nuts since then and gave up eating all nuts till about ten years back the same doctors started promoting California almonds as ‘Good for heart’ and as a footnote heart patients were advised to consume it’s poor relative the timepass ‘Peanuts’ as it was good for heart.
Similarly for some time now celebs and even bigger celeb Chefs had been promoting Jaggery as being better than Sugar Free for the weight conscious and diabetics.
But today Jaggery has turned very dangerous and diabetics are advised to use honey instead.
If this is not honey trap what is this,pray?

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