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Delhi news

Sonia reaches ED office with Priyanka. Congress activists protest, court arrests !

The interim president of Congress Sonia Gandhi today reached the Enforcement Directorate office in New Delhi accompanied by her daughter and Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi. There were acrimonious scenes at the ED office when Sonia Gandhi along with her daughter Priyanka reached this morning with police having a hard day to control the mob.

It is believed that Priyanka Gandhi may stay in a separate room with medicines of her mother who is, reportedly not keeping good health and was admitted in Sir Ganga Ram hospital some days ago. Sonia is now living in her house 10 Janpath after being relieved from hospital two weeks ago. She was summoned on 8 th July earlier but called again on 21 st July due to her bad health then. An ambulance has also been stationed outside the ED office as a precautionary measure in view of Sonia Gandhi not keeping good health. Priyanka Gandhi has also carried medicines of her mother with her. She ( Sonia Gandhi) had also been given permission to take rest in between the questioning , if she needs so.

The septuagenarian Congress leader would be enquired in three rounds by an additional director rank officer, IRS Monica Sharma. Meanwhile, the Indian Youth Congress activists today protested against the misuse of ED by the Central Government. The Youth Congress activists led by its national president Sriniwas BV demonstrated at Janpath intersection and burnt the effigy of the central government.

Addressing the IYC activists Srinivas BV said that the central government is using ED against the leaders of the Congress to discourage it from raising peoples voice on important issues like inflation and unemployment, but added that we are without fear and will continue to fulfill the duty of asking tough questions to the government.

Indian Youth Congress chief Srinivas BV said that Smt. Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi raise the issues of the people and due to this the government becomes sleepless this allegedly putting agencies behind them. Dictatorship will not be able to suppress the loud voices raised in public interest by the misuse of government agencies said Sriniwas adding further that these voices will remain vocal always.

Criticizing the BJP govt, Indian Youth Congress Congress chief Srinivas BV said that dictatorial rulers will not be able to understand the sacrifice, dedication of Congress and Gandhi family. We Congressmen – will not bow down, will not fear, will fight against the dictatorial rule.

The conspiracies of the BJP ED (Election Department) will not be able to scare us. This is a fight for truth, the fight will continue he added. The Youth Congress activists also courted arrests in good numbers.

The youth Congress activists squatted on the Railway tracts, stopped trains, raised anti government slogans and finally courted arrests in large numbers.

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