Sonia, Kharge, Rahul and Maken accuse ruling party to systematically cripple Congress party financially !

The leader of the Congress parliamentary party and former Congress President Sonia Gandhi today came down heavily of the ruling political dispensation at the centre accusing it to deliberately cripple the Congress party financially systematically by freezing its funds collected from the people.
Accusing the ruling party for freezing the Congress party funds to cripple it during elections Sonia Gandhi said that though they are maintaining their election campaigning nicely despite this attempt of the ruling party, everyone knows that the BJP has gained and benefitted massively and hugely by the electoral bonds which according to party president Khargeji is 56% while Congress having a mere share of 11% .
She categorically said that the money having been collected from the public has been forcibly taken away and our accounts being frozen.
She said this issue is extremely serious as it not only effects the Congress party but most fundamentally our democracy itself.
A systematic efforts is underway by the prime minister to cripple the Indian National Congress financially said Sonia Gandhi adding that funds collected from the public are being frozen and money from our accounts is being taken away forcibly. However, under this most challenging situation/ circumstances we are doing our very best to maintain the effectiveness of our election campaigning . Sonia said : On the one hand there is the electoral bond issue as narrated by our president Khargeji, declared unconstitutional by Supreme Court which have benefitted the BJP hugely and massively on the other hand the finances of the principle opposition party Congress are under determined assault. This we all believe is unprecedented and undemocratic said Sonia Gandhi while addressing a press conference.
Earlier to Sonia Gandhi the Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge criticized the ruling party for suppressing and crushing the opposition Congress by freezing its accounts, and levelling charges of Income tax against Congress funds whereas BJP and other political parties have never paid income tax as they are exempted from this.
Mallikarjun Kharge said that this is being deliberately and conspiratorially done to cripple and weaken the Congress party so that its candidates lose badly for want of funds during elections.
He demanded that their frozen accounts be released immediately and let the court decide the income tax issue as they believe in courts jurisprudence and shall obey them by all means.
Mallikarjun Kharge said that in democracy a level laying field should be maintained unequivocally during elections but Congress party is being suppressed and oppressed and being crippled financially.
The treasurer of INC Ajay Maken said that the Congress party hasn’t been able to utilise Rs. 285 crores lying in their accounts and has also acknowledged a new notice of IT last week for the year 1994-95. Ridiculing and also expressing his concern Ajay Maken said that they can also go to the Mahatma Gandhi era when Jamunalal Bajaj was the treasurer and sent us notice to freeze our accounts before the polls.
Congress leader and former president Rahul Gandhi too said while addressing a PC that party’s ability to fight the current lok sabha polls has been damaged by the ruling political dispensation at the centre. On social media platform Rahul Gandhi wrote : The hate filled ASURA SHAKTI has frozen our bank accounts to murder Indian democracy .