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The social media these days have become so significant and effective that it has played a prominent role in locating missing persons and resolving grievances of the people n women in distress including coming to the rescue of those needing financial help as well during bad times n for treatment. Sometimes while drawing the attention of the authorities towards certain mishappenings in time , social media has been very fruitful though it also has its consequences, sometimes. However, despite these plusses and minuses the social media has been a boon for an old woman from Almora who was in extreme distress with injured n infected swollen leg roaming in tatters in Mumbai’ s West Andheri locality crying in distress. Though it couldn’t be revealed till yet as to how this woman namely Hema Devi reached here is so ugly condition, but thankfully she has finally been traced and is in possession of Uttarakhand Police who’d been successful in doing so after the Uttarakhand CM Pushkar Singh Dhami got the news from social media and acted on it positively. Kindly recall that few days ago a video shot by one Gurinder, a sikh gentleman from Haldwani well versed in Kumaoni dialect who had spotted this distressed woman in tatters with swollen infected left leg speaking Kumaoni dialect at Andheri West sitting on a pavement and leaded it in social media which was further spread by others in social media. When UKNationnews saw the video its editor Sunil Negi immediately filed a story on its Web portal and simultaneously got it published in National Tender Suchna newspaper the other day, sharing in social media as well. The news and video went viral in social media. The news was also tagged to hon’ble governor of Maharashtra Bhagat Singh Koshiyariji requesting him to help trace the woman of Almora in distress. The video went viral in which the woman was meticulously, speaking to Gurinder about her plight and disclosing the name of her brother Khim Singh n about four sons, telling that one elder son had died in an accident. The news was also send on Twitter which was Retweeted several times with the video being circulated multiply. Meanwhile, when the Uttarakhand chief minister Pushkar Singh Dhami came to know about this news, he immediately directed the Uttarakhand police chief to trace this anguished woman and bring her back to Almora safely getting her fully treated and restoring to the family. The Almora police team went to Mumbai on 11 January and with a local NGO restored the Hema in acute distress who has now been safely brought back to Almora for a ceremonial union with her family. Thanks to the success story of social media restoring Hemaji to her family in this chilling winters. God bless her and those who played a significant role in doubt the needful.

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