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Slip of tongue of Ram Dev denigrating reputation of women in his Shivir invite severe criticism !

High profile Yog Guru and owner Patanjali Yogpeeth with annual turn over of more than fifty thousand crores – Baba Ram Dev today came into serious controversy after his slip of tongue, a statement against women community deliberately or unintentionally, only knows controversial Baba, the video of which is going viral in social media leading to media hype.

Sometimes Babas like Ram Dev who are publicity savvy and always remain in news due to controversies amd slip of tongue also help media channels and newspaper management to enhance their TRPs inviting advertisements worth crores of rupees due to huge viewership. So it is a win win situation for both media houses and Baba Ram Dev as such controversies give rise to news that are spicy and invite tremendous attention of the curious people.

Addressing a massively attended Shivir by his women disciples in Mumbai on 26 Novber, Friday – Baba Ram Dev got enthusiastic n over excited after seeing the encouraging congregation of women disciples.

He while lauding one of the women guests on stage Amritaji for her being extremely serious towards Yog practices and caring much for her health said that women in Sarees look too great but today due to yoga practices they could not wear them and as such except the front row women attendees rest of the women are in Salwar Kameez and therefore could wear Sarees which remained packed but can now wear them after reaching their respective homes. However lauding them he said women in jubilation always look beautiful whether they are in Sarees or Salwar Kameez, it hardly matters.

His jubilation while addressing and lauding them went so high that he crossed all limits and added women are always beautiful whether they wear Sarees or Salvar Kameez or even if they don’t wear it as me, they will always look beautiful.

Though his statement was not intentional as he was giving an instance of his modest dress wearing single Dhoti, his slip of tongue lead to a huge controversy of Baba Ram Dev insulting women amounting to paying them disregard etc. Ram Dev said these clothes n Sarees etc are used for protecting the dignity of women otherwise when we were child till the age of 7, 8 years we used to be naked.

The Congress Vice President of Uttarakhand Dhirendra Pratap while strongly condemning Baba Ram Dev for his anti women statement that women look beautiful even if they are in Sarees or Salwar Kameez or without them like him amounting to denigration of the reputation and dignity of our mastrashakti. He demanded apologies from him at all costs.

It may be recalled that Baba Ram Dev was also in controversy a month ago after he lauded former Congress chief Rahul Gandhi for his Bharat jodo Yatra badly annoying the BJP leaders.

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