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Singapore’s artist Yip Yew’s heart rendering colourful mural painting

This beautiful colourful mural painting was done by a Singapore artist Yop Yew Jong two yrs ago in Lodhi Road Art district quitting his full time job dedicating himself to a full time street artist who participated in festivals, community and government sanctioned projects.

After strolling around in the streets of Lodhi Colony looking people busy in their daily chores Yip Yew drew them and then painted after expanding the pics on the walls via projector and meticulously drawing and painting them.

Till now hundreds of art lovers had visited here with u tubers performing and shooting here, including several bollywood film makers.

Fabulous, attempt, indeed.

Yip Yew used his semi realistic style to paint a mural inspired by the sights, sounds and fragrance or smells of Lodhi Colony built during British era in 1940, 7 years before they formally quit India in 1947.

The beauty of this painting is that the Singapore’s artist wanted to trigger a sense of nostalgia for the residents as well as the passers by and art lovers with the landscape still being a significant part of Lodhi’s landscape.

In nutshell this unique art work n painting reflects reminiscence of everyone passing by of their own memories.

The variety of pictures like a gentleman, a vivacious reader with a cup of tea, busy going through a newspaper with number of books piled by his side and a barber shop with a flute playing baloon seller and a woman selling sweets including a sitting cow etc gives a view of different sections of the society tied in a harmonious web of the rich n poor in the same colony leading a life of survival. Amazing!

There are variety of wall paintings supported and sponsored by various paint companies in different blocks of Lodhi Coly Art district on subjects like social equality, environment, social issues and women empowerment drawn by foreign as well as Indian Artists and painters with people, especially youngsters, photographers, u tubers, dancers, film makers etc shooting here and enjoying strolling around.

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