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Shuttler Sindhu becomes the first Indian sportswoman (shuttler) to win two medals in Rio n Tokyo Olympics

The international shuttler representing India in Tokyo Olympics having won the Bronze medal, a second prestigious Olympic recognition after first winning a silver medal in Rio Olympics in 2016, have become a first woman to win two medals in India adding her name in the annals of Indian sports history.

Earlier, Mira Chanu had won the first medal Silver, for India in 49 kg catagory on the very first day in Tokyo Olympics. Mira Chanu hails from Manipur.

India’s total medal tally now stands at two with Men’s hockey team though lost in semi finals, now trying their best to win the Bronze.

After her dashing victory in Tokyo Olympics, Shuttler P. V. Sindhu started receiving numerous awards and cash prizes in the country with prime minister Narendra Modi yesterday personally congratulating her looking jubilant meeting her.

The Finance minister Anurag Thakur and number of VIPs too congratulated Sindhu for raising India’ s flag high in Tokyo Olympics by winning the Bronze for the nation.

Several state governments, including the Telangana Pradesh government are likely to announce several cash awards to her, including Rs. Twenty five lakhs to be awarded to her from the India government.

It may be recalled that the Indian government has fixed Rs 75 lakhs for the Gold medalist winner, followed by Rs 40 lakhs for silver medal recipient and Rs 25 lakhs for the Bronze medalist in Olympic Games.

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