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Sachin Pilot comes to Dehradun to rejuvenate Uttarakhand Congress

While the former Uttarakhand CM Harish Rawat in his capacity of General secretary in charge of Punjab affairs is busy resolving the ongoing Punjab crisis and meeting party chief Sonia Gandhi, the former union minister, deputy CM and Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot’s ardent rival young Congress leader Sachin Pilot is busy in DEHRADUN, accusing the BJP led NDA government for sky rocketting petro products n domestic gas prices and all round inflation in the country.

The former Rajasthan CM currently at loggerheads with his CM Ashok Gehlot has reached Jollygrant Airport in the morning acknowledging tumultuous welcome, to rejuvenate the Congress party in Uttarakhand in view of the ensuing state assembly elections due in March, April in 2022.

Sachin Pilot’s visit after BJP and AAP’s announcement of 100 n 300 units free electricity “freebies” in Uttarakhand has in fact helped rejuvenate the lowering morale of Congress leaders and rank and file.

Addressing his well attended press conference Congress leader Sachin Pilot strongly accused the BJP led government and prime minister of creating extreme inflation in the country, making the life of the middle-class and those living at the lowest ebb of the society in immense disarray and cumbersome.

Lauding the rule of NDA government during a decade old rule of the then Congress prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, former Deputy CM of Rajasthan, Sachin Pilot said that when the international price of crude oil was 100 US dollar per barrel, the petroleum and diesal prise were merely Rs 70 and 57 respectively but during the rule of prime minister Narendra Modi, the petrol price per litre have crossed Rs 100 and diesal more than Rs 90 with international per barrel crude Brent oil price at US dollar 74.

He stated that during the last seven years, the per barrel US dollar prise was 28 to the minimum and maximum to 78 per barrel US dollar said Sachin Pilot.

Castigating the BJP led NDA government for intentionally creating an all round inflation making the people’s lives in complete troublesome, Sachin Pilot said that it has not even left the domestic consumers increasing the per gas cylinder prise by Rs. Twenty five breaking their financial backbone.

Castigating the government for raising the petro products’ rates 66 times in last 6 months, Sachin Pilot said that this government has failed in all fronts proving to be a government of rhetorics which could have given the benefits of social welfare schemes to countrymen, on account of lowering of crude prices in international markets, had it been the government caring for the poor, hapless n people of the grass roots.

He said that the countrymen will teach them a befitting lesson in the days to come. Pilot said that the Congress party under the call of its national president Sonia Gandhi had organised protest demonstrations and cycle mobilisation journeys at the village, blocks n district level headquarters including at all the petrol pumps of the country to mobilise countrymen against the arbitrary increase in petroleum, diesel and domestic gas prises and got a tremendous response.

He categorically said the the countrymen will definitely teach them ( BJP) a befitting lesson by defeating them, particularly in the elections taking place next year as in Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab etc. The president of Uttarakhand Congress while addressing the press conference assured that the vacant post of the leader of the opposition after the demise of Dr. Indira Hridayesh will soon be filled and accused the opposition parties to first set their house in order than blaming the Congress.

Pic : Dehradun live

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