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Russia isolated with 141 voting against it and merely 5 in support including 35 abstentions. 500 Russian soldiers killed and 1600 injured reveal news reports

Invader Russia seems to have been isolated in the world political scenario with 145 countries voting against it condemning its brutal actions in Ukraine with only n negligible five countries voting in favour. Thirty five nations have absented in the process. However, the UN resolution does not bind Russia legally to follow the resolution passed with more than absolute majority. This isolation of Russia in United General Assembly among majority of the global nations took place when it was heavily bombarding Ukraine and its capital Kyiv, Kharkiv and other areas tremendously killing several innocents hitting hospitals, police headquarter building, residential and market complexes as well as college buildings and institutions. So far two Indian students have died one due to shelling and another after falling ill. The destruction in Kharkiv have been extensive with is 1.5 lakh population in really disarray killing innocent people, women, children and even old aged citizens. There are reports of about more than four hundred people killed so far though the figures can go up and about 1.5 hundred grievously injured. The air bases and military cantonment areas of Ukraine have also been bombarded with Army and Airforce personel having surrendered with groups of Air Force personnel seen peacefully marching in their air bases without any defence equipment. The Russian government has for the very first time revealed that after the seven days war with Ukraine Russia has lost 500 of its troops and 1.500 injured though the Ukranians claim that this casualty figures is still higher as the Ukrainian forces had bravely countered the Russian soldiers and killed several of them. Meanwhile the United States is sending a large quantity of Aircraft killing missiles for destroying Russian aircrafts and helicopters flying below the height of 4500 metres and also 350 million dollars worth of Aid including massive defence aid from United Kingdom, Finland and other European countries. Meanwhile, the prime minister Narendra Modi had yesterday telephonically spoken to the Russian President Vladimir Putin to urge him the safe passage of Indian nationals from war torn Uranian. He also spoke to Poland president, EU Council chairman and Romanian head of the state. The Union Minister of Civil Aviation Jyotiraditya Scindia who is in Poland etc has made necessary arrangements to air lift about five thousand students to India safely and had spoken n met the Poland authorities and president felicitating the safe return of all the affected students who have been kept in a wedding tent with all the facilities including food and neds etc. Today five planes are bringing stranded Indian nationals and students to India with other stranded Indian nations to be brought the other day. Union ministers Jjyotiraditya Scindia, Hardip Puri, V.K.Singh, Piyush Goyal etc are in the neighbouring nations bordering Ukraine meeting government heads and coordinating the safe passage of Indian nationals stranded in war torn Ukraine and the neighbouring states. In Kharkiv n Ukraine capital Kyiv about 21 persons were killed and 115 grievously injured though figures of the killed and injured people are still arriving.

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